• Resolved TRY01


    We are using a custom code to compress inline CSS, remove comments and minify HTML. We don’t compress inline JS because we don’t want to take a chance of it breaking our inline JS scripts.

    Would it be possible to include something like this in a future release. We wouldn’t want to remove the HTML comments from your plugin because the date stamp is useful. We leave a lot of comments that we comment out to make it easier for us to know what changes we make but don’t like that showing up in the source code which is the only reason for needing this.

    Although it is working, we would feel more confident if it were included in your plugin since we aren’t 100% sure that there aren’t any issues using it with the caching of your plugin or if using it cause a performance issue with caching.

    This is the code that we are using now …

    class WP_HTML_Compression
        // Settings 
        protected $compress_css = true;
        protected $compress_js = false;
        protected $info_comment = true;
        protected $remove_comments = true;
        // Variables
        protected $html;
        public function __construct($html)
       	 if (!empty($html))
        public function __toString()
       	 return $this->html;
        protected function bottomComment($raw, $compressed)
       	 $raw = strlen($raw);
       	 $compressed = strlen($compressed);
       	 $savings = ($raw-$compressed) / $raw * 100;
       	 $savings = round($savings, 2);
       	 return '<!--HTML compressed, size saved '.$savings.'%. From '.$raw.' bytes, now '.$compressed.' bytes-->';
        protected function minifyHTML($html)
       	 $pattern = '/<(?<script>script).*?<\/script\s*>|<(?<style>style).*?<\/style\s*>|<!(?<comment>--).*?-->|<(?<tag>[\/\w.:-]*)(?:".*?"|\'.*?\'|[^\'">]+)*>|(?<text>((<[^!\/\w.:-])?[^<]*)+)|/si';
       	 preg_match_all($pattern, $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
       	 $overriding = false;
       	 $raw_tag = false;
       	 // Variable reused for output
       	 $html = '';
       	 foreach ($matches as $token)
       		 $tag = (isset($token['tag'])) ? strtolower($token['tag']) : null;
       		 $content = $token[0];
       		 if (is_null($tag))
       			 if ( !empty($token['script']) )
       				 $strip = $this->compress_js;
       			 else if ( !empty($token['style']) )
       				 $strip = $this->compress_css;
       			 else if ($content == '<!--wp-html-compression no compression-->')
       				 $overriding = !$overriding;
       				 // Don't print the comment
       			 else if ($this->remove_comments)
       				 if (!$overriding && $raw_tag != 'textarea')
       					 // Remove any HTML comments, except MSIE conditional comments
       					 $content = preg_replace('/<!--(?!\s*(?:\[if [^\]]+]|<!|>))(?:(?!-->).)*-->/s', '', $content);
       			 if ($tag == 'pre' || $tag == 'textarea')
       				 $raw_tag = $tag;
       			 else if ($tag == '/pre' || $tag == '/textarea')
       				 $raw_tag = false;
       				 if ($raw_tag || $overriding)
       					 $strip = false;
       					 $strip = true;
       					 // Remove any empty attributes, except:
       					 // action, alt, content, src
       					 $content = preg_replace('/(\s+)(\w++(?<!\baction|\balt|\bcontent|\bsrc)="")/', '$1', $content);
       					 // Remove any space before the end of self-closing XHTML tags
       					 // JavaScript excluded
       					 $content = str_replace(' />', '/>', $content);
       		 if ($strip)
       			 $content = $this->removeWhiteSpace($content);
       		 $html .= $content;
       	 return $html;
        public function parseHTML($html)
       	 $this->html = $this->minifyHTML($html);
       	 if ($this->info_comment)
       		 $this->html .= "\n" . $this->bottomComment($html, $this->html);
        protected function removeWhiteSpace($str)
       	 $str = str_replace("\t", ' ', $str);
       	 $str = str_replace("\n",  '', $str);
       	 $str = str_replace("\r",  '', $str);
       	 while (stristr($str, '  '))
       		 $str = str_replace('  ', ' ', $str);
       	 return $str;
    function wp_html_compression_finish($html)
        return new WP_HTML_Compression($html);
    function wp_html_compression_start()
    add_action('get_header', 'wp_html_compression_start');
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  • Plugin Support Imran – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @try01,

    I trust you’re doing well!

    Thank you for your suggestion! I’ve forwarded it to our developers so they could review it and see if the feature will be added to the development list.

    Have a good day and take care!


    Thread Starter TRY01


    Thank you, Nastia. I appreciate it.

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