Hello celeni,
First, thank you for asking the question.
The pre-created animations have been made while I was developing this plugin and at the same time, these helped me to understand some of the possibilities. They are available in order for you to see how they are made and to replicate them, and to inspire others.
I really tried a few times to write instructions about “How to create an animation from scratch”, but there are too many ways to do so, and each time, I lost myself into the realm of possibilities.
Each animation is different, each need is different, and each website is different. Maybe I’ll try again in the future, but maybe not, I don’t know.
It’s very difficult for me alone to lead on the subject and restricting the way to do so by telling people, hey this is how you must do this or that. There are too many ways.
If I knew exactly what you want to create and look at your website I could probably help you out, but helping people one by one, is in fact a lot of work, especially if you don’t know much about HTML, CSS and jQuery, and about the limitations of the .animate function from jQuery. I could talk about this plugin forever. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?