Random ads (ad rotation) is supported:
To rotate different ad versions separate them with |rotate|
– Ad Inserter will randomly select one of the ad versions.
For example, to rotate 3 different images you can use the following code:
<img style='height: 400px;' src="https://malsup.github.io/images/p1.jpg">
<img style='height: 400px;' src="https://malsup.github.io/images/p2.jpg">
<img style='height: 400px;' src="https://malsup.github.io/images/p3.jpg">
Of course, you can also use shortcodes for ads in other code blocks:
[adinserter block="1"]
[adinserter block="2"]
<img style='height: 400px;' src="https://malsup.github.io/images/p3.jpg">
If you are using shortcodes make sure:
– they are enabled (button Manual): https://adinserter.pro/documentation#manual
– you set alignment for shortcode ads to No wrapping (raw ad code)
– you don’t configure insertion for shortcode ads – configure it for the code block where shortcodes are used.
If you are using caching you need to set Dynamic blocks to Client-side (Tab General settings):