Hi there and thanks for your question. Whenever I do a plugin, I also try to provide a
Here’s a link to the official documentation:
Now, if you go to the “Usage” section and scroll down a bit more until you see the heading “Shortcodes” (in bold letters), you’ll see the shortcode you can use.
Here’s an – untested – example of how to use them in a text about the movie “Apocalypse Now”:
Apocalypse now was released in [imdb_movie_detail title=”Apocalypse Now” detail=”year”].
The shortchode in this example should be replaced with the actual year the movie has been released. The title="..."
attribute also accepts IMDb IDs (for Apocalypse Now, the IMDb ID would be “tt0078788”. You can find these IDs easily when opening the movie in imdb.com and check the URL. I’d look like this:
The last part is the IMDb ID (“tt0078788”).
Give it a try and let me know if it worked for you and report back please.