well sir, I would like to tell you how to do it so you could be on your way happily ever after.. But I can’t.. In a general sense i can, but any offerings i divulge may cause you even greater angst.. which is the reason many would refrain from replying to your topic..
what the crap am i talking about?
think of it like this: without a link, whereas we can look at your page and your page source, and see the structure of your chosen theme- we are firing indiscriminately into the crowd…
you likely have a (class)post. then you likely have a (div)content containing (class)post. then you maybe have a (div)column which contains your (div)content which is holding your (class)post hostage. So it may be accurate to tell you to modify your (class)post by either adding a width: declaration or modifying a width: declaration if it so exist.. This may solve your issue. But it depends on how strict the guards on the tower of your (div)content are. I mean, if they’re jerks they may have certain type restrictions which disallow the free movement of (class)post, and they could possibly be so strict that any alteration of (class)post at ALL could cause (div)content to overreact and undermine the very seams of your thematic structure.. I mean, such a seemingly innocuous infraction could cause (not sayng for certain, just saying) the master BODY itself to freak out and just peepee white screen all over your fine creation of a webpage…. I’m not sayin, I’m just sayin…
these are things we would really like to avoid. It is a lot easier to do correctly when you provide a link…
links to the page in question are really good dude!
smile.. send a link? ??