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  • yes.. insert /edit not work

    same problem too! Look forward for a fix / solution please.

    Hello Stranger, hsbkader, and simbian,

    I’ve tested the update again and I can’t reproduce this issue; first, make sure you reload any pages you had open or flush your browser cache, as there is some Javascript that gets updated with this release. Also, please browse to All in One SEO -> Performance and scroll down to the bottom of the System Status Info; if you’re ok with sharing that with us, put in [email protected] as the email and click Submit and I’ll review these reports for potential configuration conflicts.

    Hello and thanks for the support and quick reply!

    I did as you suggested but unfortunately this didn’t solved the issue.
    So i have just sent you the debug info.

    I also made a quick test: if i temporarily disable the plugin then the buttons in post editor come back, if then i re-enable the plugin the buttons disappear again.

    Thank you simbian,

    I took a look at this and it looks like you are using a lot of caching on the site; typically these sorts of issues are caused by Javascript conflicts. If you’re comfortable with it, can you send me the administrator login for your site using the contact form here – – if not, then check the Javascript console in your web browser and let me know if you see any errors while the plugin is active; this may be due to a cached file or due to a plugin conflict.

    Same problem too!

    Hello Peter, i use WP Super Cache for caching. I tried to clear it and refresh but no luck.

    Ok check the screen with the Javascript console active

    I saw an error, don’t know if depends by that.

    I can’t actually do a test with another web browser, just use only Chrome here at office. As you can see the buttons are not displayed (the visual mode works good).

    Hi simbian,

    I can confirm that this is a caching issue; I browsed to the file in that url and aioseop_data is not mentioned; rather, aiosp_data is, which is what is used in the current version, this got renamed. Make sure you flush your cache and get a current version of this file.

    Hello Peter, i tried in Firefox (all cleared cache, cookies, etc…) also done a logout and login, but still have the same problem.
    So what i can do?

    Btw from the source of the page i saw that this js file is called:

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    Hi simbian,

    That’s the correct script tag; if you browse to that page, search for _data and tell me if it’s using aiosp_data or aioseop_data – it should be using aioseop_data here. If it’s using aiosp_data then reload that page and check again. Let me know what you find.

    uhm it use the first one, so as you said it’s not correct. But i cleared all the Chrome cache browser just now, also reloaded the page.

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var aiosp_data = [{"plugin_path":{"basename":"all-in-one-seo-pack\/aioseop_class.php","dirname":"all-in-one-seo-pack","url":"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-seo-pack\/","images_url":"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/all-in-one-seo-pack\/images"},"pointers":{"aioseop_welcome_220":{"pointer_target":"#aioseop_top_button","pointer_text":"<h3>Review Your Settings<\/h3><p>Thank you for running the latest and greatest All in One SEO Pack ever! New since 2.2: Control who accesses your site with the new Robots.txt Editor and File Editor modules!  Enable them from the Feature Manager.  Remember to review your settings, we have added some new ones!<\/p>","pointer_edge":"bottom","pointer_align":"left","pointer_scope":"local"}},"condshow":{"aiosp_home_keywords":{"aiosp_togglekeywords":0},"aiosp_page_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_post_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_category_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_archive_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_date_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_author_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_tag_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_search_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_description_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_404_title_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_paged_format":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1},"aiosp_cpostadvanced":{"aiosp_enablecpost":"on"},"aiosp_cpostactive":{"aiosp_enablecpost":"on","aiosp_cpostadvanced":"on"},"aiosp_cpostnoindex":{"aiosp_enablecpost":"on","aiosp_cpostadvanced":"on"},"aiosp_cpostnofollow":{"aiosp_enablecpost":"on","aiosp_cpostadvanced":"on"},"aiosp_cposttitles":{"aiosp_rewrite_titles":1,"aiosp_enablecpost":"on","aiosp_cpostadvanced":"on"},"aiosp_google_author_location":{"aiosp_google_author_advanced":"on"},"aiosp_google_enable_publisher":{"aiosp_google_author_advanced":"on"},"aiosp_google_specify_publisher":{"aiosp_google_author_advanced":"on","aiosp_google_enable_publisher":"on"},"aiosp_ga_use_universal_analytics":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_ga_domain":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_ga_multi_domain":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_ga_anonymize_ip":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_ga_display_advertising":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_ga_exclude_users":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_ga_track_outbound_links":{"aiosp_google_analytics_id":{"lhs":"aiosp_google_analytics_id","op":"!=","rhs":""}},"aiosp_use_categories":{"aiosp_togglekeywords":0},"aiosp_use_tags_as_keywords":{"aiosp_togglekeywords":0},"aiosp_dynamic_postspage_keywords":{"aiosp_togglekeywords":0},"aiosp_disable_analytics":{"aiosp_disable":"on"}}}];
    /* ]]> */

    Ok excuse me, I think I reversed the two; it should be using aiosp_data there, and also inside the script. If it’s not working now, try doing this for me – deactivate and delete the plugin, and then reinstall the plugin. You won’t lose any plugin data by doing this, by the way, all of that stays saved.

    done, it worked now, great! This solution made the buttons appears again ??

    Maybe this could help other users that use the plugin.

    Thanks again for your support Peter!


    Ok excuse me, I think I reversed the two; it should be using aiosp_data there, and also inside the script. If it’s not working now, try doing this for me – deactivate and delete the plugin, and then reinstall the plugin. You won’t lose any plugin data by doing this, by the way, all of that stays saved.

    Hi Peter Baylies,
    I do this but it not work for me.
    And i’ve sharing our data to your email [email protected].
    My website is

    Thanks, Han. You reinstalled the plugin already? What is the issue that you’re experiencing exactly, and did you try clearing your browser cache as well?

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