• In this year-old thread, slickorange provided a solution for using an Advanced Custom Field to set the expiration date via Post Expirator, but I had a number of problems with the implementation a year later.

    It seems as though updates to ACF may have introduced some bugs. For instance, saving a post with the expiration date set would fire the expirator schedule event using the value from before the current save. I also had issues with both the scheduler AND the unscheduler firing, and not being able to unschedule by deleting the field value.

    Here’s my updated solution:

    function acf_set_expiry($post_id, $post, $update){
        if ( empty( $_POST['fields'] ) )
        // You'll have to check to see what key your field uses in POST.
        // My field name is 'expiration_date', but in post it is referenced as 'field_566f1db32e0c9'
        // We have to use the POST data because otherwise we'll be using the value from before the save/update
        if ( isset( $_POST['fields']['field_566f1db32e0c9'] ) ) {
            // remove the default expiration action if this field exists
            remove_action( 'save_post', 'expirationdate_update_post_meta');
        // Check if the post has a expiration_date value
        if ( !empty( $_POST['fields']['field_566f1db32e0c9'] ) ) {
            $date = $_POST['fields']['field_566f1db32e0c9'];
            expirationdate_update_post_meta_acf($post_id, $date);
        else {
            // Unschedule any existing event if the field is blank
    //modified update_post_meta function
    function expirationdate_update_post_meta_acf($id, $date) {
        // don't run the echo if this is an auto save
        if ( defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE )
        // don't run the echo if the function is called for saving revision.
        $posttype = get_post_type($id);
        if ( $posttype == 'revision' )
        // 'yymmdd' is the format my ACF date field is outputting, which is an accepted format for the DateTime constuctor.
        // Check how you're saving your date, and use the appropriate method to get it into a DateTime
        $formatted_date = new DateTime($date);
        $month	 = intval($formatted_date->format('m'));
        $day 	 = intval($formatted_date->format('d'));
        $year 	 = intval($formatted_date->format('y'));
        // I am not using time in my ACF field, so I am setting it manually to the end of the day.
        $hour = 23;
        $minute = 59;
        $opts = array();
        $ts = get_gmt_from_date("$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute:0",'U');
        // Schedule/Update Expiration
        $opts['expireType'] = 'draft';
        $opts['id'] = $id;
    add_action( 'save_post', 'acf_set_expiry', 1, 3 );


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  • Hmm, I ended up with a hybrid solution between this and the previously mentioned solution. I found a problem whereby the function was getting the field value before it was being saved.

    So for example I had an ‘end_date’ field. If I changed this field and saved the post the post expirator would be updated with the old value. If I saved again it would update with the correct value.

    To stop me having to save the value twice I decreased the priority of the add_action function to ’10’ this means the acf_set_expiry function doesn’t run until the filed has been updated:

    `add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘acf_set_expiry’, 10, 3 );

    How can i make it expires in category???

    // Schedule/Update Expiration
    $opts[‘expireType’] = ‘draft’; This must be an specific category??
    $opts[‘id’] = $id;

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by sroskylos.
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