Call them specifically by their post ID, or just by most recent posts and so on?
If you’re looking to display Blog A’s posts on Blog B but not in a way that the posts appear intermixed, then it’s possible you could do it in a couple ways.
The typical way is to grab the RSS feed (for Blog A) using an RSS aggregation tool or plugin. You’ll find a number of them here:
Another not so known method is to use a custom SQL query outside the regular post loop. For example:
$a_posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM a_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 5");
foreach($a_posts as $post) :
~Insert template tags and any other "loop-related" elements here.~
<?php endforeach; ?>
Just change a_posts
in the SELECT line to the posts table name used for Blog A. This will hit some limitations such as permalinks (there are ways around that), or setup_postdata() not being able to properly collect custom field info for a post.
If you need to incorporate Blog A’s posts into Blog B in some more complete (i.e. mixed) fashion, you may want to look at a utility like FeedWordPress (found on the Plugins link above).