• kenneth0922


    Post/Page images are too big. They go off the margins of the website text (e.g. https://echoseranglakwatsera.com/about/). However, whenever I decrease the image size, the image is placed on the left side even though I’ve repeatedly selected it to be at the center. Why is this happening? Center should be center, right? But it’s placed on the left instead. And what is the permanent solution for this?

    Thank you.

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  • Siobhan


    Hi @kenneth0922!

    Post/Page images are too big. They go off the margins of the website text (e.g. https://echoseranglakwatsera.com/about/).

    The theme is designed to display images that are wider than 1000px at a fuller width than the site’s main content area. If you dislike this part of the theme’s design, then you can override it using custom CSS.

    As you already have Jetpack installed then a straightforward way to add CSS is to enable its custom CSS module. (Alternatively you can set up a child theme or activate a standalone CSS plugin.)

    The following CSS will reduce the width of the image so that it only takes up the width of the main content area:

    img.size-big, .wp-caption.caption-big {
        margin-left: 0;
        max-width: 100%;

    However, whenever I decrease the image size, the image is placed on the left side even though I’ve repeatedly selected it to be at the center.

    I wasn’t able to replicate this behaviour on my test site: When I decreased the size of the image and centred it, it remained centred.

    If you continue to have this trouble, would you perhaps be able to share a page on your site where I can view the left aligned image? You could perhaps set up a test page that’s not linked to in your menu?


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