The solution provided on WPMU did not actually fix my issue. That was the point of this thread in the first place, and for me – as a person looking for support from you guys … no it was never resolved.
I appreciate your effort – but 2 months is a bit long to wait for a response from you on a support question I was having. Busy is one thing, but 2 months is completely different.
My issue was not resolved, never given a second look and nobody really seemed to care. So – I ditched it and moved on to something else. How is that now considered “resolved” in your opinion?
Yes, I am being a dick. I have a very sour opinion of WPMU and your “so called” support. I refuse to mare a topic as resolved after never having “one” reply of someone trying to offer some assistance. As far as I know – it is “not” resolved … I just gave up and found something else … as I have with every other plugin I have ever used from WPMU ??