Hi brinksa5man,
Regarding the file showing as inactive, it sounds like you’re referring to WordPress’s built in plugin editor. My understanding is that the active/inactive label used in that case is really only valid if you’re editing the “main” plugin file. In this case that would be the posts_in_page.php file. If the plugin is active, and you go to edit that file, then it should show as active, while all other files in the plugin directory show as inactive. I don’t know what the purpose of this would be, other than to make sure you’re editing an inactive plugin, but I’d say you can safely ignore it.
A word of advice: as a rule, it’s best to avoid editing plugins directly. Plugin authors often post updates, and those updates may overwrite your changes.
In the case of this plugin, you can make a copy of the template file, place the copy in your theme directory, and add a “template” attribute to your shortcode with the name of the file. That way you can be sure your custom version of the template isn’t overwritten if the plugin is updated.
[ic_add_posts template='post_loop_template.php']
Moving on… you said you want to make the blog textareas transparent. Are you talking about the excerpts (the summary that shows for each blog)?
Is this something you can do with CSS?
If I wanted an easy way to make the excerpt go away, one option would be to add the following to the style.css file in your theme:
.entry-summary {
display: none;
Or if you really want it to be transparent, you can set the opacity:
.entry-summary {
opacity: 0.25; /* 25% opacity = 75% transparent */
Does any of that help?