Since the theme uses post for latest new widget, we will are not sure how the “honey post” redirects to the “honey page” .
May be you have modified the permalink of the page and post to be same in that case the post will lead to the page with the same permalink.
Please verify if your post and page have the same permalinks, if so please make the links different as you will not be able to access the post on the frontend if the permalinks for the post and page are same.
If you would like to provide page option on the latest news instead of category/posts you will have to first create a child theme for the WEN Business theme then modify the widgets.php file located at yourtheme’srootfolder/inc/widgets.php
Find the WEN_Business_Latest_News_Widget
copy the class and paste it on your child theme’s function.php
Then modify the class to choose page instead of category.
Since it is a bit hard to modify the widget class, we recommend you to hire a developer to achieve your feature request.
If you need to hire a developer you can also visit themepalace.com/hire-a-customizer
Hope you understand.
If you want more dedicated and swift support on the theme, please visit the theme’s official support forum where the theme’s official support team are stand by to answer each and every one of your questions.
Best regards.
Have a good week ahead.