I think you are using some confusing terminology. Is this what you mean: the celeb authors will write an article, it will be uploaded to YOUR blog. And you’d like readers of YOUR blog to be able to access the articles of a particular author. And while accessing those articles, also see the author’s pic, and whatever else. Is this correct?
If so, then you do not want STATIC pages, you want the Pages that have DYNAMIC content ie: the descriptions of the current topic that the author is writing on. IF, and I do mean, *IF* this is what you are after, then you will want to use the “Page-Author” template. Look at the codex links above, get an understanding of the Loop, and how the templates are chosen, and used. When you develop your author’s landing page, you write the content in Write >>Pages, and select the “Author” template. Then you’ll need to get into that template – and customize it, so that when a reader lands there (in your blog), then the author template will pop up with: Author’s pic; author’s current tags (or topics); author’s list of recent posts.
Theoretically I think this is possible, but you’ll have to do some work looking into the possible “Author” template tags, and “author” plugins, to get all that data onto the Page-author template. Or write your own template if the theme you are using doesn’t have that one. When you get stuck with writing your template, THEN you’ll have a detailed question, that we can help answer.
Good luck,