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  • I would suggest a button “Switch of revisions”. Revisions take up a lot of database space. I rather have a small database – and a fast system.

    I agree, I also got more post revisions than published posts. I button would be nice ??

    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false ); doesn’t work (wp 2.7) it gives me a blank site. What to do????

    To disable / control Post Revision, add this in your wp-config.php file:

    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false); // disables post revisions
    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS',5); // only keep last 5 revisions

    Or you can do this via a plugin:

    Disable Revision:

    Revision Control:

    WP-CMS Post Control:

    Directed to gappiah: THANKS for posting your solution. After upgrading to version 2.8 of WordPress I noticed that the post revisions were again being retained. I had previously installed WP-CMS Post Control to turn them off and somehow the parameter had been changed back to the “WordPress Default” (of retaining them) after the upgrade. However, by including one of the ‘define’ lines you’ve described (see below for reference) I was able to make use of all of the other uses of WP-CMS Post Control [AND] adjust my wp-config.php file to retain 2 revisions for each post, which I may yet revise but still on the fence about.

    define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’,2); // only keep last 2 revisions

    So again, thanks for posting the solution as well as the many different alternatives. Much appreciated, Michael

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