• Maybe it is a problem with my host server, and maybe this isn’t something that can be handled within the WordPress “engine”, but I’m almost always timing out (returns a page 404 not found) when I hit the save or publish on most of my long posts, especially those with html in them. Long posts specifically, not short ones. I’ve had the same problem with 1.2 and 1.5.

    When the SAVE or PUBLISH is clicked, I believe WordPress goes through and cleans things up, so maybe this is where the time out to a 404 occurs. Ideas?

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  • Thanks for your comment Lorelle (I am not a regular on WP forums anymore … no time). I will install WP 1.5 and try t replicate your problems, although at this time I don’t see how my plugin could be the culprit. If anyone has any ideas please share.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    NOPE. I have EVERY plugin now deactivated – including the spam killers, and it still is timing out….back to square three? And sorry for issuing blame where none should have been. This timing out thing is becoming semi random. It works fine and then times out over and over againg. It was when I had the related posts deactivated that it worked fine for about 5 post edits, and then back to time outs. I turned it back on and it timed out for two times, and then worked fine for 3 times and now we are back to three minutes to store the page…with the occassional time out.

    If it ain’t WordPress or the plugins, it has to be the interaction of WordPress and the server’s MySQL. From here, I’m lost to figure out how to check this. MySQL and PHP are up-to-date and met WordPress requirements.

    Is anyone having time out or long waits when posting their WordPress stuff? Especially on long posts?

    Even if mySQL is up to date, that won’t prevent slow connections, particularly at times of heavy traffic. Have you tried posting at times when the server is less busy?

    Moderator James Huff


    What is your MySQL version?

    Ok, try to comment out like 133 (starts with “add action …”) and see if that improves performance. That line tells the plugin to go through your post to find keywords on edit_post.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    I have been working at odd hours and not consistently cuz I’ve on the road traveling right now, so it is hit and miss for the past few weeks. I’ve also been working with three different computers in three different states and Internet services, and the problem has been consistent all the way across those. So finding a time when the server isn’t busy…how would I know?

    It was working really great for about an hour today and then started dragging again. Hit and miss.

    MySQL is mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.18.

    nsxpower: And where will I find line 133? In the index.php? And comment out how much do I comment out? Oh, in the plugin? So the plugin lines up the keywords on the edit post save…hmmm. I’ll give it a try. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Lorelle



    commented out the line and nothing has changed. So you all aren’t the culprit for this.

    Is anyone else having time out troubles or really, really long saves of their posts?

    I have long times to publish only when I link to non-pinging sites, such as the BBC. No links, quick. Other blogs, pretty damn quick.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    I have another clue: on SAVE, it processes speed of light. It is only on the PUBLISH the three, four minute wait appears.

    I’ve turned off the pings, trackbacks, played with turning plugins on and off, and still it takes forever. I have a lot of html, so to speak, in these posts, but what could possibly be churning and causing the delay? If SAVE goes rocket fast, why wouldn’t PUBLISH? What’s the difference?

    I did a check and a sample post that is still whirling and clicking from me hitting PUBLISH even as I write this…nope, checked and still “loading”…was actually smaller than most of them with:

    characters: 7323
    words: 1456
    lines: 112
    pages (letter size equiv): 3

    This problem may be unique to me, but maybe not, which is why I’m so dogged about it.

    Lorelle, it honestly sounds like your host is just getting overloaded. If the server is too busy things will randomly slow down without rhyme or reason like you describe.

    In your writing options area in the admin…. check to see what Update Services are being pinged….. I know I had issues until I turned this off.


    Thread Starter Lorelle


    Everything turned off. Dramatically and drastically off. I’ve a list of what I did so I can fix it later. I hope.

    But there is some relief for my poor bottom sitting and waiting and watching the whirl and click of “loading”. I have finally, after two months of struggle, figured out how to upload this endless line of babble I’ve created by conversion to the MT format and using the import-mt.php to get it slapped into the database. I’ll whine again when I have to edit each of these during the check and test process, but for now, at least the stuff is getting in high speed.


    Lorelle, can you explain what you have changed? I also have similar problems with long posts and the Publish button!

    I’m sorry to go and post here again, but I am in need of any help that you can provide me.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    Well, first, the upgrade to helped tremendously. Much faster loading times.

    Still, whenever I have a lot of links to graphics or external sites in a post, it can take a long time.

    I found that the database gets the information IMMEDIATELY, but that to redisplay the page, WordPress has to go in and get the information and populate the form with it. The more information it has to put in there (custom fields, excerpts, lots of categories, and lots of pictures to load into the preview screen), the longer the page takes to load. Serious pain in the buns if you have ads like Amazon with in your posts, which we do on occassion for products we review.

    I keep two windows with Admin information up now, plus at least one for my site. Yeah the power of Firefox Tabs! If it takes a while for a post to load and do its thing, I go to the other tab and check comments, and do other tasks, mult-tasking. There is no easy way around this.

    It is a combination of server, internet, bandwidth, WordPress, pings and trackbacks, image links (internal and external), and relying upon the bandwidth, servers, and internet for those external links, especially with images.

    I found in general that any external image link, like to an icon or logo, used within my site, the loading times of the site itself as well as the Write Post preview screen area (gosh, I wish we could turn that preview on and off!!!) takes FOREVER!

    So the post information may save and reload but the preview helps slow things down, too. I wish there was an easy answer but it is a combination answer.

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