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  • Plugin Support devnihil


    @tuhinbiswas98 We checked on the post sitemaps that aren’t working and they are returning a 500 error. Also, the ones that are working seem to be taking a fairly long time to generate. This makes us suspect that the sitemaps that are returning a 500 error are being caused by that the server resource limits are being reached before the sitemap’s generation is completed.

    To resolve this, we would first recommend ensuring that the PHP settings for both max_execution_time and memory_limit are set to a high enough value in the PHP environment. This setting is typically controlled by editing the values in a php.ini file such as in the following example:

    max_execution_time = 300
    memory_limit = 256M

    If you aren’t sure how to change these settings in php.ini, we would recommend contacting your hosting provider for additional assistance.

    If you are still receiving a 500 error after increasing the PHP memory and execution time, the issue may be caused by that the PHP script run time restriction on the server is being reached. In order to reduce the amount of time necessary for the script to generate the sitemap, you can reduce the number of entries in the sitemap.

    By default, the number of entries in the sitemap is set to 1000 but by decreasing this value it will decrease the amount of resources required to generate the sitemap. To decrease the number of sitemap entries you can use the filter wpseo_sitemap_entries_per_page. We have more information on using this developer filter at the following link:

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    i did tolk to hosting about this some day ago and se my meroy to 256m stil sometime that sitemap load but take way long time some time same dont load so i ask them to reset my memory back to noormal….. but i want to try this wpseo_sitemap_entries_per_page you tolking about but how to use this code??? where to put code on my site can you tell me … i did check that developer filter link and see code but ther idk how to use that code in what file to put that in????

    Plugin Support Md Mazedul Islam Khan


    You can use the wpseo_sitemap_entries_per_page filter to limit the maximum entries per sitemap by using the following code to theme functions.php file.

    function max_entries_per_sitemap() {
        return 500;
    add_filter( 'wpseo_sitemap_entries_per_page', 'max_entries_per_sitemap' );

    You can edit the value 500 to something else but not more than 1000 to best suit your server performance. For best results, you can set it to something between 500 to 800.

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    i did put this code and now sitemap have 500 entries stil top 2 site map not loading ??

    this is my other site sitemap >>
    this website sitemap loading fine and faster then that site…
    same hosting same type of plugins themes eveything same just look is different then why ??

    Plugin Support Md Mazedul Islam Khan


    Unfortunately, we think the issue is specific to your site. We’d need to investigate further but are unable to do so on these forums. You can purchase Yoast SEO Premium and receive our Premium email support and we can help you further.

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    hmm this is bad :L
    my site dont make much money so its will be hard to get Yoast SEO Premium but ty for help

    Plugin Support Michael Ti?a



    Upon checking, we do see that post-sitemap 2, 3, and 4, are now loading properly, so it looks like the modifications you’ve made with your server and the number of sitemap entries may have helped. However, post-sitemap 1 still has a 500 server error. Perhaps you might still be able to make further modifications in order to get this working for your website.

    We wish you the best of luck!

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    post-sitemap 3 and 4 have no problem juist my post-sitemap 1 and 2 was not loading for week all sitemap work fine befor 1 week then 1 and 2 stop working ?? idk what to do to make them work

    Plugin Support devnihil


    @tuhinbiswas98 We’re sorry you’re experiencing difficulties with the not generating. As the post-sitemap1.xml file is generating a 500 error, that type of error will be logged on the server along with a more specific reason for the error.

    You may not have access to the server error log where the details of the 500 error are located, but if you ask for this information from your hosting provider they should be able to provide it upon request.

    We would recommend for you to check with your hosting provider and see whether they are able to review their log files for the server and provide more specific information for the 500 errors on the post-sitemap1.xml file.

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    ok i tolk with hosting the ask me to change Namseservers so i have to wait for days befor i can get that log files ??

    Plugin Support devnihil


    @tuhinbiswas98 Thanks for your reply but we aren’t sure we understand. Did you hosting provider recommend for you to point your site to a different server and was the reason for changing the nameservers related to the issue with your sitemap?

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    no coz my site was useing cloudflare Namseservers so the cant check the ask to move Namseservers to them so the can give me more info

    Hi @tuhinbiswas98,

    To troubleshoot further, you can try checking for conflicts.

    You can also confirm with your host that both sites have the same server settings and don’t show any errors in the error logs.

    Since the issue only affects a specific site, we’d need to investigate further but are unable to do so on these forums. You can purchase Yoast SEO Premium and receive our Premium email support and we can help you further.</p>

    Thread Starter tuhinbiswas98


    hosting asking me to delete old sitemap and make new one….. idk how to do it?? ther just 1 option to on and off sitemap in plugin…

    Plugin Support devnihil


    @tuhinbiswas98 The sitemap_index.xml as well as all of the sitemaps listed within it are dynamically generated upon request so there is never an actual physical file created that can be deleted from a file manager or via FTP.

    If you are experiencing an issue with the sitemap not updating after a change to it, and have ensured it is excluded from caching, you can also force a refresh of the sitemap by temporarily disabling the sitemap feature, and then re-enabling. To do so please perform the following steps:

      ? ?In WordPress go to SEO>General>Features
      ? ?For ‘XML Sitemaps’ Toggle the switch to ‘Disabled.’
      ? ??Click ‘Save Changes.’
      ?? Toggle the switch back to ‘Enabled.’
      ? ?Click ‘Save Changes.’

    ?We also have a guide on how to enable/disable XML Sitemaps here:

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