• Hello.

    I am posting this on behalf of my wife who has a blog on https://dreadblog.amykristiansen.net

    Her site is a step by step, day by day blog about her dreadlocks, and she would like the user to be able to change the sort order of posts in either ascending or descending order.

    She is currently using the plugin “AStickySortOrder” and has manually set all posts in ascending order, as the user would most likely want to read how normal hair became her current hair if its the first time they visit the site. However, if one is a returning user who wants to check the progress of her hair, then that person might like a link to click on so that the site is ordered most conveniently for them.

    I have searched for 2 days now for plugins or hacks to make this work (including these forums). I found the SmartOrder plugin, and got it working, but when I was going to browse to the next page of posts, or the previous page, I got a 404 error, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how on earth to get rid of it.

    Can anyone please help us out? ?? Thank you!

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