• Hello, i′ve red many articles about it and I have no definitive information cause they vary and Im just a beginner, so have no experience

    so my question is basically could they hurt you google rankings badly ?
    or google is smart about them nowadays , so if use badly – it dont helps you but dont hurt you much either

    possible issues

    1. duplicity issues ? – if they contain excerpt from post , there is no help but no penalty what I know
    2. thin content issues ? – image , short excerpt + permalink on fulpost –
      is that thin content for google? or they know its tag archive page. so its justified

      does anyone have official info, i dint find anything definitive

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  • This is a big topic and one that cannot be definitively answered. However, here are some things to think about.

    (1) Duplicity issues. If each of your post excepts are custom written content (not auto-generated by WordPress) and that content is different from the actual post it is associated with, the excerpt could not be duplicate content of the post itself. If you use a SEO plugin like Yoast or RankMath you can control things like the canonical URL of the post and these plugins will make recommendations for archive pages.

    (2) Thin Content. As far as I know, Google treats every URL as just another page on the internet. That means, from Google’s point of view, a Tag Archive page is just another page. Did you know, however, that if you edit your Tags in WordPress, you can give each Tag a description? There is no limit on the description length, and you can place pictures in your description. Combine a well-written description and a theme that will display the description on the Tag Archive page, and you have something Google should like.

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