The plugin is using the get_the_excerpt() wordpress tag. That by default strips out the html tags from the post content. The reason being people put all kinds of html into their posts and you wouldn’t want say an image getting cut off halfway through the html code if the excerpt length is too short.
That being said you can maintain HTML by putting it into the Excerpt field on a post. When you’re editing a post you should see a box for Excerpt. If you don’t see it turn it on by going to the Screen Options tab at the top of the post. Make sure Excerpt is checked off.
Then you can put the HTML code into the xcerpt and it will display it in the tile. For instance I put
<li>Thing One</li>
<li>Thing Two</li>
<li>Thing Three</li>
Into the excerpt and it displays it inside of the tile.
Post Tiles was never designed to have HTML inside of them so by default the plugin CSS will make your list items huge because they inherit their parent li styling (the tile). So you will need to add some additional CSS to your theme like this.
ul#post-tiles li li {
width: auto;
height: auto;
display: block;
clear: both;
That should reset the styling in the list to look correct.
I hope that helps. Please keep us posted on how things go.