On a database level WP core is using a iteration system. Ie New post = ID 962 title is written to database before elementor is opened. Yoast SEO title and SLUG has zero access to modify the post_title on the database level with this revision system with Gutenberg core.
Now Guess what I just ran a test, Yoast can not store the SEO title or Slug in the database anymore. Since June, I been thinking yoast was broken because of elementor… yet I was wrong… It is Yoast who failed to keep up with WP core changes.
FYI the way the revision thing works is neat.New post = Post_Title and a static Post_id RevisionX = New post ID in data base AND post_name which it uses to cascade.
So when a page is loaded it checks most current revision of post_id via the relationship to post_title and cascades the data like CSS3. The scarrrrry thing is this means there will allays be more then 1 record with the same data and the database is no longer a 3nf which is what all instruction says is needed for SQL. To get around this they must have has to rewrite the query engine based on the revision system. wonder if they got this idea from MongoDB…me thinks yes.. json blob storage…
This is all cool to me because it solved a 2 month problem of Yoast not working to Organic index my new sites. Sorry for the excitement. MYSTERY SOLVED! BTW yoast also dropped support for auto submitting your site maps to SEO consoles. I just read his blog post about it.
Long story short – Yoast is going to have to be recoded to use the revision system. Here is the reallly crazy thing Turn on Plain under Perma links… this is also the core reason the Yoast Breadcrumbs is broken. Yoast bread crumbs used to use Post_title as how it controlled the bread crumbs,but now has no access to them cause of the database changes. Yet with Post title on for perma links the site loads via the primary key Page_id and just displays the the current post_name from the version Cascade.. Talk about dynamic!
And I think this is also why the Analyis works on new page creation then as soon as edit with elementor is clicked the database spins up an iteration so the yoast now looses access to the pointer of the json blob with the text to analysis.
Really exciting night and moment.. Like a light bulb moment I’m gonna tag a few people @lestexas60 @benpines @logolgics @pingram3541 @momo-fr
All that said…here is my Gutenberg Apocalypse message of the day ” Deactivate Yoast. Delete it. Forget it. Go back to Submitting site maps and waiting for Your AWESOME copytext to rank you. “- Copyright Jeremiah Stillings 2018