Post to Pdf
Hi Lewis, I have downloaded your programme and set the page I wish to print, but when
I try downloading the post it comes up as a PDF file but there is no content and advises the .—is not supported. This works with print friendly but I would prefer to use your progamme. The site is and the join us page.
Many thanks
Graeme Bruce
Sorry for the trouble, Graeme. This could be because of a fix I implemented for urls with appended parameters or it could be theme related or even something in .htaccess.
Which version of the plugin are you using? If newer than 1.0.0, please roll back to the 1.0.0 release (prior to the url fix), and re-test. It seems that we are getting a 0-length file, which indicates that we may not be getting the post/page url properly.
Also, is this page being rendered by a specific plugin? We don’t (yet) support fill-in pdfs (but they are on the roadmap). TCPDF does support fill-in pdfs, so it’s just a matter of sending the proper options to it.
Anyway, please test with version 1.0.0 and let me know. I’ll see if I can’t get this sorted for you right smart. ??
Hi Lewis, I have only just started to use the plugin, the version I have is 1.0.2 , I have tried a search for version 1.0.0 but with no result. I am not sure what you mean by the specific plugin, the only PDF plugin I have is yours just for this page, so does this mean yes?
You’ll need to pull 1.0.0 from CVS. Normally, you would get there from the main plugin page, following the Developers menu selection. under “Other Versions” you’ll see the version (1.0.0) and “svn” net to it. Click the plugin version to download the zip, or click “svn” to browse the code.
By “specific plugin” what I meant was how did you create the content on that page? We don’t seem to be getting any content, so I’m wondering whether there might be a plugin conflicting with us and that this might not be a standard page.
Please also advise as to your admin settings for the plugin, specifically:
- Allowed Custom Post Types
- Non Public Only
- Only on Single
- Include/Exclude (whether this page’s ID – looks like 135 to me, from the source – has been specifically excluded or whether it has not been included)
- Include/Exclude from Cache (the link responds very quickly for me, as though we’re pulling it from cache; there may be a broken version which has been cached, in which case, selecting the option to “Save and Reset PDF Cache” might be the answer)
Oh, and did you use the shortcode to place the icon or include it, per the admin settings?
Just trying to figure out why we’re coming up blank (if missing the content, I’d expect to see the header & footer, at least).
Hi Lewis, I created the page using WordPress and the content with WP text editor, I didn`t use a plugin.
Admin Settings:
Allowed Custom Post types: Page selected
Non Public: Blank
Only on Single Page: Selected
Include Page: 1325
Exclude from Cache: Blank
I have also tried using exclude for all the other pages and just leaving 1325 out, the result is the same.
I havnt found the Developers menu yet, but I seem to recall seeing it some where. As it is now 11.30 pm it
s bedtime, I will hopefully resume the dialog tommorrow.
Hi Lewis, I forgot [Senior Moment] the Icon was positioned using the Admin panel Before and After on the left.
Hi Lewis, I have now downloaded 1.0.0, the page is set up exactly as before and the result is the same. I have left it with the 1.0.0 version so you can try.
GraemeThanks, Graeme.
Next, I’d like you to set Include/Exclude from Cache to Include and leave the box blank (I think you have it set to exclude none; I want to include none, so we make sure that we’re generating a fresh PDF each time). Then click the button to save and reset the PDF cache.
Are you using anything special in terms of a plugin for your permalinks (and SEO plugin or similar)? It simply looks like we’re not getting anything passed to the TCPDF class at all. As I mentioned, a broken url could leave us with no content, but I would still expect to see the header and footer on the page.
Another thing you might want to try:
Upgrade to version 1.0.2 again. Remove page/post #1325 form the include list, and insert the shortcode
in the page directly. I’m curious to see if something in the settings may be messed up and while we are getting an icon, we’re blocking the PDF generation ourselves.Meanwhile, I’m going to test against the 2013 theme and will add contact form 7 to my sandbox (though I use contact form 7 on my blog with my plugin, and have not seen an issue).
Feel free to correspond with me directly reqarding this issue: lgrosenthal at 2rosenthals dot com or via the contact form on my blog.
Thanks for the feedback. Let’s see if we can get this fixed for you.
Hi, Graeme…
Posting this here, just to keep everyone in the loop.
Thanks again for your diligent testing and feedback, and for narrowing this down to a compatibility issue with the NextGen Gallery plugin. It would seem, judging from the myriad of support requests for that popular plugin, that WP Post to PDF is surely not the first to be impacted by some of NextGen’s manipulations of expected WP variables.
Looking at this thread and other similar ones, I think it safe to assume that we are trying to discern the post ID but are being thwarted by a change written to it on the fly by NextGen. I’m really not quite sure how I could work around this in any case if I can’t depend upon the post ID remaining unaltered. I would have to find some other way of identifying and getting hold of the post content. Merely picking up on the url is not going to do it for us, I don’t think, but I’ll experiment a bit, just to see.
In the interim, I’m going to add a note about this known incompatibility to the readme.
I appreciate you pinging me when you upgrade NextGen, if only to advise that the problem persists.
To close this issue, and to confirm our testing, Graeme, the workaround for those using the NextGen Gallery plugin is to add the following to the theme’s functions.php:
add_filter( 'run_ngg_resource_manager', '__return_false' );
which effectively keeps NextGen Gallery from intercepting the download of the generated PDF.
Thanks again, Graeme, for all of your help in testing and providing regular feedback.
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