• Resolved zweilicht


    Hi there,

    first: thanks for the nice plugin – seems to be the only one which fits my needs!

    But I have two problems:

    1. I need to get the user post to a specific post_tye (post_format). But that doesn’t work!?

    2. WP receives post and uploaded image, but the image than is not the featured image of the post. I need it to be the featured image – any ideas how to do that?



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  • Thread Starter zweilicht


    This is my FU code:

    [fu-upload-form class="your-class" title="Mach mit ..." form_layout="post_image" category="2" post_type="image"]
    [input type="text" name="post_title" id="title" class="required" description="Titel" multiple=""]
    [textarea name="post_content" class="textarea" id="ug_caption" description="Deine Botschaft"]
    [input type="file" name="photo" id="ug_photo" class="required" description="Dein Foto" multiple=""]
    [input type="submit" class="btn" value="Gesicht zeigen!"]
    Plugin Author Rinat



    1. Make sure you have enabled that post type in the plugin’s settings
    2. The plugin doesn’t set uploaded media as featured image. It only attaches files to the post so you can approve them or delete them.

    If you want to set the image regardless try to put the following code in your theme’s functions.php (not tested):

    add_action( 'fu_after_upload', 'my_fu_after_upload', 10, 2 );
    function my_fu_after_upload( $media_ids, $success ) {
    	// Something went wrong with upload
    	if ( ! $success )
    	// There might be multiple attachments so no really good way to assign image
    	foreach ( (array) $media_ids as $thumbnail_id ) {
    		// Set the featured image and
    		// Stop trying to set it after first successful attempt
    		if ( set_post_thumbnail( $_POST['post_ID'], $thumbnail_id ) )

    What it does it checks if upload was successful and if it was and there’s media files uploaded it the first uploaded file as a featured image.

    I’m not really sure if you want to do that though, users will submit a lot of crazy stuff and it’s going to be a featured image without approval.


    I tried this code but it does not work for me

    Any help??

    FYI: This plugin (and perhaps others) will take the Attached Images and change them into Featured Images: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/easy-add-thumbnail/

    IMPORTANT: For this to work, you need to set “Auto-approve any files” to “yes.”

    Note that this is working for me with the following shortcode:

    [fu-upload-form category=”1″ post_type=”post” form_layout=”post_image”]

    FWIW, Background and Explanation: I renamed the Uncategorized category to what I wanted this category called, which is where I want these posts to go. SO these posts go into Admin area > Posts > Manage UGC [your email links won’t go here automatically; they’ll send you to the media library’s Manage UGC page — not the same place.] So when someone uploads an image and text, I go to Posts > Manage UGC, and change the post from Private to Public; with that Auto-approve setting, the images are automatically attached to the post, and with that plugin the Attached Image is automatically made into the Featured Image for the post.

    TL;DR? Load plugin linked above, set auto-approve files to Yes, and check uploads under Post>Manage UGC, where you’ll change it from Private to Public. That’s it.

    Thanks again, Rinat!

    Plugin Author Rinat


    Nice solution, websta!

    Thanks very much, Rinat.

    Sincerely appreciate your hard work and this great plugin.

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