• Hi there,

    I searched around but everything I found didn’t really work for what I want. It’s pretty simple, though.
    I want a list of all WP posts in my sidebar, grouped into the years they were published.

    Like this:

    This is a post title
    Another one
    They are liked

    This one is from 2012
    Also this one

    Just another post
    And another one
    You get it


    This one would work, I tried editing the code but it messes up the actual post view and fills every post view with ALL posts’ content: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/410362

    Thanks for your help!

    (WordPress software version is the latest but I use the 2.0 default theme as basis of my theme design because I find it cleaner and more understandable and there is not so much junk like in the Twentyten/eleven/twelve themes)



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