• Please note that Posterous is shutting down its service on April 30. Please check out this post for details. When the service shuts down, this importer will no longer function, as it relies on the service being up in order to fetch content.

    If you wish to keep a copy of your Posterous content, it’s very important that you follow the backup procedure before the shutdown date. The steps are as follows:

    1. Go to https://posterous.com/#backup.
    2. Click to request a backup of your Space by clicking “Request Backup” next to your Space name.
    3. When your backup is ready, you’ll receive an email.
    4. Return to https://posterous.com/#backup to download a .zip file.

    This file will contain all of your posts and media along with a file named wordpress_import_1.xml. While you can import your posts using that file, media will not be automatically imported, and there are at present some issues (pending resolution on Posterous’s end) with the export file. You should download it in any case so that you have all of your raw data.

    The Posterous importer on WordPress.com handles some of the issues with the file and is able to process most of the media, resulting in a mostly clean import. If you import into WordPress.com, you can then export and then import into your self-hosted blog. It’s not an optimal solution, but it certainly beats losing all of your data.


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  • zulusafari


    Are you familiar with the problem being discussed here… https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/hangs-on-please-wait-with-spinner?replies=9

    It seems to be widespread and with your plugin only working for a few more weeks, we’d love it if you were able to help us out. Thanks for the plugin and all your work.

    For my two blogs, the wordpress.com method brought only the newest article of each blog. I then found out that the Posterous Importer Advanced plugin delivered all my articles, even article comments from Posterous to WordPress. I hope this works for other .org users as well.

    Hey, @teemutalja, that’s great! Thanks for sharing.

    Another problem more related to Posterous, but people reading this might face it. Windows 7 default zip applications did not manage to open the Posterous export files, but others, e.g. 7-Zip Portable works.

    I used dllh’s importer on a hosted WordPress site and it worked perfectly. The WordPress Import option and WordPress’s own importer were not so successful. I created a step-by-step video. If you are using a hosted WOrdpress site – follow along. If not then dispense with the bits that talk about creating a hosted WordPress site.
    The thread with the detail is here.

    I may be a little late, but is there a way I can still import the posterous xml backup file? I have made a backup a few months ago (just before closing posterous), but both mentioned options won’t work anymore.

    The import via the wordpress.com way doesn’t include all media files and the Posterous Importer Advanced plugin requires that Posterous is still in the air. Actually I get a blank page when i try to open the ‘Import’ page on my self hosted WordPress blog when this plugin is active…

    Are there any options left (except manually copying the posts)?

    Thanks in advance!

    You can still import into wordpress.com, but the media won’t come over automatically because Posterous has actually shut down the media hosting service. Your backup file contains all your media, but you’ll need to upload the files manually. Unfortunately there’s no way around this.

    Another option, if you’re savvy enough, would be to just upload the files from your backup. The html export (vs. the xml file you use to import into WordPress) contains entries with references to the images. So you could put the html files and media folders in a subdirectory on your web server and at least have the content hosted, though it would then be static content (no comments).

    I think it will hard to avoid manual processing for certain tasks, so I will try above solution on short term. Thanks for so far!

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