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  • I would love to see WordPress use filesystem for storing content as XML. This will open a new horison of uses and functionality, in adittion to being very suited to this kind of application.
    Speaking of large dependencies caused by database abstraction, MySQL in itself can be viewed as a dependency.

    Count my vote in for PostgreSQL. I’m using WordPress with MySQL anyway (because I simply couldn’t wait) but PostgreSQL would be wonderful.

    I support the previous orator.

    Considering MySQL’s recent decision to get into bed with The SCO group, I want to get rid of MySQL completely on my servers. PostgreSQL seems to be the answer, and I think that WordPress should at least offer support for PostgreSQL, plus conversion tools for existing blogs.

    Speed is not the end-all and be-all of things, particularly not for web applications, where the real bottleneck is the network—not processing speed or rendering speed, but the upload speed of your server, the download speed of your clients, and the amount of data passed inbetween. A reasonable processing/rendering speed is good enough.

    At some point, you will need to make the choice: are you going to go for speed that isn’t needed, or are you going to go for maintainable code that can be refactored and modified easily when the world ultimately changes (the MySQL incident being a prime example)? If speed is ultimately needed, such an architecture can also be changed for speed, but still keep remnants of layering that will still make it easy to adapt to change.

    If there’s one thing about open source software, it’s that it changes from year to year, and month to month. Today’s database of choice will not be tomorrow’s; just as yesterday’s sendmail is being replaced by today’s Postfix, yesterday’s Gnucash by today’s Grisbi, yesterday’s GTK-1.2 by today’s GTK-2.x, yesterday’s XFree86 by today’s Xorg. Sawfish is extinct; metacity has taken over. The world changes.

    Most software has to be adaptable, and nowhere is this more true than the open source world, where this year is quite different from last year.

    Unless WordPress is ultimately an application with an intended short shelf-life of a few years, a database abstraction layer will be a big first step to WordPress surviving whatever upheaval is in store in the uncertain future, particularly as we’re already in the middle of an upheaval—more and more sites turning in MySQL for PostgreSQL.

    I’m all for switching to Postgre. But I can’t stop using WP. WordPress-Pg doesn’t have a 1.5.x version out,… so I guess I’ll just wait it out.

    Geeez. What a bunch of whiners. And yet I don’t see anyone volunteering to develop the solution.

    You can’t please everyone. I suggest someone just makes a choice and we stick to it, seems as though politics are the main thing holding this back.

    A decision HAS been made: mySQL. And it has been stuck to. Who care what the reasons are. Personaly, WP’s support of mySQL is why I use it…. It’s what I get from my host. Switching to PostgreSQL is out of the question for me.

    There’s a reason one database is used. I’m sure most of you have seen the number of support “problems” there has been… and that’s on jsut one DB platform….. and you want to add MORE? Screw that. mySQL is a common denominatior. It’s in use by a majority of hosts out there. And for a lot of us, it’s handy that we can pick up [L|X]AMPP with mySQL support…. with PostgreSQL it would require a little more configuring that would just confuse the hell out of us.

    So we can hash this issue for another two years, and bitch and whine and complain about it and throw a fit…. or someon can get off their arse and do something about it. Build that F’n data access layer and submit it to the devs…. spread it around, share it with others…. but BE PREPARED TO SUPPORT IT TOO.


    Well, obviously, <i>we</i> care what the reasons are. And since none of us want to be in the position of chasing a constantly-changing codebase with our changes, we quite understandably prefer PostgreSQL support to be in the base itself. As far as I’m aware, the only person “whining” here is you, and you’re whining because the rest of us are asking for something that would make a lot of lives easier.

    Personally, unless and until it supports PostgreSQL, I won’t be using WordPress. A lot of other people apparently feel the same way. Use your MySQL toy if you want, but some folks have real problems to solve. In the meantime, kindly take your nastiness elsewhere.

    I’m closing this topic as it’s degenerating from simply being unproductive to flamewars and ad-hominem attacks.

    Can I also kindly remind all those involved that this is a support forum and not a public debating podium for issues which are best discussed in your own blogs. Thank you.

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