Thank you.
I had a look ( and it seems the new markdown block into the new Gutenberg editor is for ?some features not originally available in Markdown… The Markdown Block uses Markdown Extra by Michel Fortin. It includes some features not originally available in Markdown, including improved support for inline HTML, code blocks, tables, and more. Code blocks can use three or more back ticks (
`), as well as tildes (~~~).?
While markdown should be supported even with the classic editor (the one that I use with the ?classical editor plugin?).
?If you are using the Classic Editor, you will need to enable Markdown, and insert markdown using the HTML tab.? but there is a quirk: ?One important item to note with the Classic Editor is that once you save your changes you will not be able to edit the content as Markdown. It will show as formatted content or HTML. Instead, switch to our WordPress Editor and use the Markdown Block!?
So I have no idea about how I could fix that. Maybe you could tell me the names of those plugins, I can try asking developers if they are going to update them.
Or maybe I can try others plugin, to see it they serve postie better.
For instance:
Thank you again for your time on the matter.