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  • Plugin Author storeapps



    Showing full sized image in the notification was asked by many of the existing users, hence it was changed to show full sized image in the latest release of Email Subscribers.

    If you want to change the size back to small, then you would need to make code level changes and then maintain it for the future releases of Email Subscribers.

    Thread Starter Anna-Karina


    Thnx for your answer. Code level changes is fine, but where, in what document can I do that?
    Maybe it’s a good idea to let people specify there own dimensions for the picture in the settings-page? Small, medium, large or full?

    Thread Starter Anna-Karina


    Or is it better to edit my child theme functions.php? So I don’t have to worry about updates…
    But how? I am not a coder… but I can copy/paste ??

    Meantime… in classes/es-sendmail.php line 356:

    changed ‘full’ into ‘medium’. Hope that will work on next notification?

    Plugin Author storeapps



    Maybe it’s a good idea to let people specify there own dimensions for the picture in the settings-page? Small, medium, large or full?

    Yes, you are right. We will consider your suggestion and will implement it in later releases of Email Subscribers.

    Meantime… in classes/es-sendmail.php line 356: changed ‘full’ into ‘medium’. Hope that will work on next notification?

    Yes, it will correctly in your next notification.
    But editing plugin files is really not advisable as you won’t be able to update plugin smoothly for next release.

    Plugin Author storeapps



    Please update Email Subscribers to v3.1.4. New version has a setting available to select featured image size when using ###POSTIMAGE### shortlink.

    Thread Starter Anna-Karina


    It’s amazing… thank you very very much!!

    Plugin Author storeapps



    You are welcome.

    If you like Email Subscribers, please consider leaving us 5-star rating.

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