• Resolved biscutty


    Hey all, I’ve just installed a new blog and am using the free Revolution TV theme, i want to embed Vimeo or youtube videos – but how do i do that?

    If i try post something it only posts the summary, if i choose t add media, it seems to just ad the media as a link to the video in the summary text?

    I understand this theme to be specifically for Video, so thought there would be some option to embed the video in the correct place when making a post – so are there any extra plugins i need or am i just doing something dumb?

    Thanks all

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  • To embed video:
    custom key = embed

    To add thumbnail:
    custom key = thumbnail

    My website is also up and running now ??


    I’m trying to embed a video like everyone else above , but it doesnt work. I’m sure i’m missing something.

    I click Custom Field. I enter ’embed’ as the key , and as the Value i enter the youtube video code , eg:

    <object width=”425″ height=”344″><param name=”movie” value=”https://www.youtube.com/v/o29_7lQ3QB4&hl=en&fs=1″></param><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”></param><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”></param><embed src=”https://www.youtube.com/v/o29_7lQ3QB4&hl=en&fs=1&#8243; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425″ height=”344″></embed></object>

    Then i click ‘Add Custom Field’

    I leave the actual post area blank. Then i view the page and there is no video embedded at all.

    “I opend the source file and in order to let it work proppely” <—- Do i need to edit a source file in order for this to work?

    Sorry for asking but i’ve never really used custom fields before.

    EDIT- Nevermind , i resolved it. seems it was a bug in my version of WP. Taken from the revolution tv site:

    “Please note that WordPress 2.6.2 has a small custom field bug which add’s extra “slashes” to embed code when submitted to a custom field. Until this bug has been fixed, you will need to add the custom field then update the value once again by pasting the embed code and clicking “update”



    I dont suppose you guys have the docs on how to use your own flash video player? I want to use a local video player not youtube etc.



    I had this problem whit thumbnails.
    I had create custom value thumbnail and https://www.skenevisuals.com/thumbnail.jpg this do i dosen′t show.

    https://www.skenevisuals.com/andreas_koutsoukos/ this is the demo site.



    Has anyone noticed that if you place a video into your blog using the [embed] custom key, that video doesn’t show up in your feed in Google Reader? Is this something that’s unique to my site?


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