• OK, This is my first post. I am new to the wordpress coding but I have the understanding. I am a little confused on how I can get my posts to feed to my custom pages.

    For example I have a Category called Dogs and a custom page called Large Dogs, When I post to the category called dogs I want to it to post not only to the home page as the most recent post but I also want to have it post to my custom page called Large dogs.

    I know it sounds confusing but I am looking for help if someone would be able to help me out.

    Thank you.

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  • JenR


    Posts don’t normally appear on (static) pages – what you need is a category posts “page”(not really a page in WP terms) – which you can set up under Appearance > Menu.



    But some themes may be set up differently, if the above doesn’t seem relevant, what theme are you using.

    Thread Starter pablodonkerous


    I dont think that is the answer.

    I am looking to post articles to my site. On the home page they will post like a traditional blog type of site. Then I have custom pages I have created I would like them to post on those.

    Again If I have a site that posts about dogs and I custom pages called Large Dogs and Small dogs.

    When I post on the site I want to be able to select small dogs in a category and it will display on the small dog custom page I have.

    I have menus and custom pages created but when i post and select the category I created it doesn’t show on the custom pages.

    Hope that helps explain what I am trying to do.




    Yep, and that’s how WP works by default by using what I posted above. BUT, if you want to use the (static) pages you’ve created and put posts in those pages, you have to either custom code the page template(s) for it or use a plugin such as:




    Here’s a pretty good article about the differences between posts and pages – as it’s kind of confusing (at least to me) :)!


    Thread Starter pablodonkerous


    Thank you for the post but I really don’t want to use a plugin I need to keep putting short codes into my pages/post every time I do one.

    When you state put code in your page template, what do you mean?

    Thank you again for the help and quick response.

    Thread Starter pablodonkerous


    Also maybe I am going down the wrong path. See my issue is I want a page that has some static info on the top of the page then the rest of the page being posts.

    I also am not sure the url being Site.com/category/Page_name.html is a good url for google and other search engines. I did change the permalink to reflect the SEO friendly format. Now I do a post it comes out with the format of Site.com/category/Page_name.html which is not good. So I read and saw it is to create the custom pages etc.

    Am I going down a wrong path or is this the right way to go with all the needs I want?




    Yes, I understand what you are trying to do – here’s a thread about coding a page template yourself –


    BTW, what theme are you using? Before modifying any theme files, make sure you set up a child theme.

    Thread Starter pablodonkerous


    I did buy a theme and it is here

    I am not sure what you mean but a child theme. Sorry and thank you for the help.



    See the link above about child themes – basically, if you make changes to theme files, those changes will be overwritten when you update the theme – obviously, not a good situation :). A child theme enables you to make changes in a way that won’t be lost.

    So you’ll probably need to go to the theme developer for more help with this kind of theme-specific question – since these forums really have no way to provide support for commercial themes.

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