• Resolved mustela


    Hi there,

    It seems that you can’t post anything on Chrome (31.0.1650.57) for Mac OSX (10.7.5)

    It’s a clean wp installation with no active plugins. Works fine for FF and Safari.

    Anyone with the same issue?


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  • Adding another voice – having the identical problem – same specs, but Firefox is misfiring as well for me.

    The front-end ‘post’ button doesn’t click through, nor does ‘reply’.

    Our great developed has tried to help – he said when you click on one of those buttons, the theme is sending an AJAX request to double check you’re logged in. In browsers other than Chrome, this works fine; in Chrome, it’s coming back with “NetworkError: A network error occurred.”.

    We can’t find enough details on exactly why this happens or how it’s fixed, though.

    Send help!

    Same here. Firefox is working but Chrome is not; Safari is intermitent.

    Some more info:

    – TEchnically, posting _does_ work, but not from the ‘whatcha up to”‘ box. I can go to the dashboard->posts and add posts
    – I have a wp network, disabled all other plugins, and this still happens
    – chrome debugger shows nothing.

    @tristancm : where do your developers see the NetworkError? I do not see that on my chrome debug.

    On the server side, I see this POST call from Firefox which I don’t ese on chrome (although it could be a red herring):

    [myIPaddress] - - [15/Nov/2013:10:09:43 -0500] "POST /wordpress/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?p2ajax=true HTTP/1.1" 200 3

    I have a user on my P2 powered site that is experiencing the same issue. When he tries to submit the form for a new post or comment, nothing happens. The page is acting like there is a JavaScript error but the console in Chrome shows nothing.

    Note this is happening in Chrome only. It works fine for this user in Firefox.

    I’m having the same issue on Chrome 31.0.1650.57 (OS X Mav). Noticed it when switching to the Houston child theme. Moved back to the P2 parent theme and the issue persists. It also appears to happen in the Chrome beta on Windows.

    Posting via Safari succeeds.

    Seems like the latest version of Google Chrome that I’m using breaks P2 in that I can’t post anything. Tested in both Mac and Windows version of Chrome (on Mac Version 31.0.1650.57). Works fine in Safari. Anyone else notice this? I can type in the box but pressing the post button does nothing but highlight the button itself. I sent in feedback to Google via Chrome.

    I’m in the same boat. I’m new to P2s and thought i didn’t turn on something at first (configure P2). Not the case!

    I’m a Chrome user with the latest version, using a mac or a PC, i cannot post or comment.

    Also, and this is a Mac only issue, i can’t scroll to the bottom of the page. If i try to scroll it jumps be back to the top of the page. Seems like a javascript issue although no errors to report.

    +1 also affects p3 theme https://www.ads-software.com/themes/p3

    Could you please post a link to your website to test this behavior!
    For this create a dummy post and a dummy page!

    Vlad, developer of P3

    apology – re p3

    status etc from front-end do get inputted on page reload

    p2 problem persists

    ok, one more question… if you type a comment and submit afterwards refresh the page will it show?

    re p3 see edited comment above

    Thanks for the reports, looking into this today.

    If anyone has a live URL we can test, or any PHP error or JS errors to report, that’d be a big help.

    Can someone try this to confirm it fixes things?

    p2/js/p2.js line 1200 replace

    url: ajaxReadUrl +'&action=logged_in_out&_loggedin=' + nonce,


    url: ajaxReadUrl +'&action=logged_in_out&_loggedin=' + nonce + "&rand=" + Math.random(),

    And make sure to clear your JS file cache before testing.

    I’ll push a fix to WP.org directory today.

    This fix includes a random query argument in the “Am I logged in?” HTTP request to prevent an asynchronous request to the same URL from overriding the synchronous request and preventing access to responseText.

    Props my coworker Chris Finke for the fix, he’s also filing a bug with Google for Chrome.

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