One way is to just use WordPress custom fields together with either the <!– more –> function or the_excerpt. You do NOT need to have plugins for every tiny thing you do – it’s bad to add plugins to do things WordPress already can do since you may have problems with the plugin author abandoning the project, future updates being incompatible with the plugin etc…
Do this:
1. Set a WordPress thumbnail-size that you wish to use in your WP-admin, make it cut the image to for example 100×100 (default).
2. Edit your index.php, single.php etc. – the place you want to have the thumbnails listed on… and in the loop add:
<?php $key="postthumb"; if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true)){ echo <img src='get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true);' /> } else {} ?>
3. Goto Write post -panel.
4. Upload a image.
5. Write something..
6. Check the url for the thumbnail of the image you uploaded (default:×100.jpg … or similar).
7. In the custom fields box write “postthumb” and add the url to your thumbnail image.
8. Save and check.
Not a 100% if it works since i haven’t tested it myself, but customfields is the way to go anyway. You can read more about it by just searching for custom fields etc. on the forums here. The basic promise is anyway to DEFINE a custom field in your template(s) and then in the post panel add value (like an url in this example) to it. You can also define a value that is displayed when you have not entered any data for the custom field.
Btw.. this is how i add custom TITLE-attributes to my pages and posts in wordpress via custom fields (a working example.. ?? ) :
<title><?php $key="title"; if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true)){ echo get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true); } else { the_title(); } ?></title>
And then i just enter “title” in the custom fields in the post panel and write my own. If i don’t the post or page the_title will be displayed as the documents title (the else-value in the php..).
Good luck and happy easter,
Tommie Hansen | Mindescape