• Resolved wayneh927


    Outgoing emails are timing out for last two days. Has worked well for 5 months until now.

    Diagnostic Info:

    OS: Linux gator4219.hostgator.com #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 20:10:32 CST 2014 x86_64
    HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36
    PHP: Linux 5.4.45 C
    PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=Yes
    WordPress: 4.3.1 en_US
    WordPress Theme: Vantage Premium
    WordPress Plugins: Akismet, iThemes Security, Black Studio TinyMCE Widget, Document Gallery, Embed Any Document, Envira Gallery Lite, Intuitive Custom Post Order, Jetpack by WordPress.com, Menu Icons, Meta Slider, Postman SMTP, Revisr, Simple Custom Post Order, Page Builder by SiteOrigin, SiteOrigin CSS, SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle, Table of Contents Plus, TablePress, Ultimate Member, Ultimate Member – Online Users, User Activity Log, User Login Log, Virtue / Pinnacle ToolKit, WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart, WordPress File Upload, WP-Polls, WP Super Cache, WPFront User Role Editor, MailPoet Newsletters
    WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email
    Postman: 1.6.24
    Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): gmail.com | gmail.com
    Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): Yes | Yes
    Postman Transport URI: smtp:ssl:oauth2://smtp.gmail.com:465
    Postman Transport Status (Configured|Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes | No
    Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 417 | 35


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  • Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Same problem as this guy

    Postman Transport URI: smtp:ssl:oauth2://smtp.gmail.com:465
    Postman Transport Status (Configured|Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes | No

    Your host is blocking your access to Gmail. Run the Connectivity Test. You’ll probably find you need to switch from SMTP to the Gmail API.



    I ran into a similar problem with my site and contacted Hosting support and they resolved it. It took them a while to figure it out. It seemed that they had to open up port 53.

    The support rep also mentioned that the developer should give more information in the debug log about failed DNS lookup attempts (or outgoing queries). It seems as if the debug log only shows when a connection is made and then displays a Warning. I was receiving the following Warnings:

    Warning: connected to mydomain.com instead of gmail.com

    Does this make sense?

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks



    It seemed that they had to open up port 53.

    Port 53 is DNS. If they were blocking port 53, they would have basically ‘broken their Internet’ so that doesn’t make much sense. (WordPress auto updates would fail, for example).

    The support rep also mentioned that the developer should give more information in the debug log about failed DNS lookup attempts (or outgoing queries).

    Postman logs all php exceptions and all error conditions in the debug log and on the admin screen. I’m one of the few developers that makes extensive use of php’s error_log.

    the debug log only shows when a connection is made and then displays a Warning.

    The debug log will you show you all kinds of things if you release it from its cage with Settings > Advanced > PHP Log Level > Trace.

    I was receiving the following Warnings:

    Warning: connected to mydomain.com instead of gmail.com

    Does this make sense?


    This warning is generated by the connectivity test and the wizard, not by DNS lookups. It is also displayed to you on both screens. It means Postman discovered the SMTP server you connected to, my domain.com, is not the SMTP server it expected. It does this by actually talking to the server. The only way this can happen is if your host is redirecting all external SMTP traffic to their own internal SMTP server. If this were to happen outside of a controlled environment, it would be known as a Man in the Middle attack. It has nothing to do with DNS and everything to do with their firewall.

    Your tech support should know how their own firewall is configured. Whoever you spoke to has a poor understanding of the processes involved. Which, I guess is why they are support, and not development. ??



    Jason, thanks for the response and the clarification. This is a little over my head and I might have incorrectly relayed the information from Support.

    They “somehow” fixed the issue and maybe they didn’t know about the Advanced logs options.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    There is only one fix from your point of view: change Postman’s config to authenticate with the internal server.

    From the host point of view, another fix is to modify the firewall rules.




    This is what the server admin had to say:

    You’re connecting to a remote SMTP server, under no circumstances if you have your plug-in setup correctly should you be connecting to localhost.

    That’s like saying that I set up my Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail to connect to gmail but instead it connects back my workstation. That would be an indication that I did something wrong in my email client.

    There is nothing on the server that forces SMTP traffic through the local SMTP server. If you have PHP mail set-up to connect to a remote SMTP server it should not be communicating at all with the local email server.

    The firewall having PORT 53 closed would prevent you from being able to connect to gmail as this would result in DNS lookup failures at the server.

    The firewall on the server uses basic iptables rules to allow incoming or outgoing traffic. If a Port is blocked in the firewall it will fail to connect to any service on that port until that port is opened in the iptables.

    As the developer suggested the opening of port 53 should not have had any affect on whether the script connects to localhost or remote host, port 53 being closed just blocked DNS lookups.

    This is why I asked if there is a fail over mechanism in the the sites code that causes failed connections to fall back to localhost.

    Does this make sense?

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    You’re connecting to a remote SMTP server, under no circumstances if you have your plug-in setup correctly should you be connecting to localhost. There is nothing on the server that forces SMTP traffic through the local SMTP server.

    You can easily reproduce Postman’s results yourself by doing this from the command prompt of your WordPress site:

    telnet smtp.gmail.com 587
    ehlo anydomain.com

    The firewall having PORT 53 closed would prevent you from being able to connect to gmail as this would result in DNS lookup failures at the server.

    This is 100% true. But what I said was this would have broken more than just Postman. WordPress auto-updates, plugin installation, theme installation would also be failing. They all rely on DNS.

    Postman’s Connectivity Test would have simply reported port blocked or no service in response to a DNS failure.

    Here is what the Connectivity Test looks like when it is run against a host that is redirecting connections:

    Here is what the Wizard looks like when it is run against a host that is redirecting connections:

    This is why I asked if there is a fail over mechanism in the the sites code that causes failed connections to fall back to localhost.

    Of course not.

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