Curious if you had any success in figuring out how to bring the Posts to Posts admin interface to the front end? I’ve looked through the forums and at least 7 people have requested this functionality. It’s something my site will really need otherwise I would have to spend many hours updating user posts on the backend.
The plugin author has said
Anything is possible, if you want it bad enough. ??
Translation: it requires a lot of work.
I’ve looked at the plugin code, I would need to study PHP quite a bit more but eventually it might be something I could figure, wouldn’t be easy for me. The site I’m doing it for is a labor of love so no budget but could be willing to pay something if anyone can do it or happy to pay for a ‘pro’ version of this plugin.
If anyone has anyone actually done this please add some tips. If there are any suggestions about how to approach this any help is appreciated. Was wondering if there are any atypical ideas about how to get an admin box up front. Or maybe have users enter tags that a script could try and convert to connections?
Alternatively if there are other plugins that can do pretty much the same thing let me know although Posts to Posts dos have a really great backend interface.