• Resolved ilovecake


    I have the following shortcode:

    [ajax_load_more cache=”true” cache_id=”2835361574″ seo=”true” post_type=”post” posts_per_page=”30″ scroll_distance=”300″ max_pages=”40″ transition=”none” destroy_after=”41″ button_label=”Loading More…”]

    Im trying to get it to load more as soon as i scroll near the bottom, but it’s not doing it. I have to manually click the load more button…

    I’ve confirmed that the js files are included in the footer. No js errors… Any ideas, thanks?


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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Any chance you could share a link?
    Sometimes there is an issue with the css properties of the load more button which causes loading to stall.

    Thread Starter ilovecake


    Unfortunately…no :(. All local for now. Is there some markup/css that i can look at to troubleshoot? Something that doesnt exists and trigger the js?

    Off-topic aside: is there a way to programmatically clear the cache on the cache addon? I have posts that are added dynamically, and need a php hook to delete the cache after all the posts are inserted.


    Hi there – thanks for the great plugin! I’m having the same issue as iLoveCake above. I’ve tried numerous values for “scroll_distance” with no luck. The first set of posts loads automatically, but additional posts won’t load automatically without clicking the “Load More” button: https://metafields.staging.wpengine.com

    Shortcode in template:
    <?php echo do_shortcode( '[ajax_load_more post_type="music_entry" posts_per_page="8" max_pages="0" scroll_distance="30" offset="8" button_label="Load More"]' ) ?>

    Plugin Version:

    I have a WP_Query to call the first 8 posts of the custom post type “Music Entry” above the shortcode, but there’s no change when I remove that.

    I’ve used this plugin under simpler circumstances on a different site, and it loads the posts automatically as expected. Any thoughts on where I’m going wrong in this case? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi hilaryq,
    This is a weird one… have you tried other scroll_distance values?

    Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried many different scroll distance values from 5 – 300.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Looks like its line #7243 of style.css

    html, body {
      height: 100%;
      overflow-x: hidden;

    The overflow-x: hidden is causing issues. Remove that and you are good.

    Yep, that was it: Everything works as expected now. Thanks so much for your great plugin and support!

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Your welcome! Glad you like it.

    iLoveCake – I am closing this for now since we are discussing over email.

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