• I’ve set up my wordpress blog to post via e-mail. Everything is working, but the posts are being held pending review — which means I have to log onto my blog page anyway to review and publish them so they show up on my blog. How can I set things up so the posts are approved automatically, and show up in the blog as soon as they are received and processed?

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  • Check your email address. I had the same issue. The default for the post is the admin email address. If you are not the admin, it will put it in a Pending Review state.

    There are 2 ways to get this to work on WP 2.6.2.

    Option 1
    Edit the code from wp-mail.php to allow all posts as published.

    // Set $post_status based on $author_found and on author's publish_posts capability
    	if ($author_found) {
    		$user = new WP_User($post_author);
    		if ($user->has_cap('publish_posts'))
    			$post_status = 'publish';
    			$post_status = 'pending';
    	} else {
    		// Author not found in DB, set status to pending.  Author already set to admin.
    		$post_status = 'pending';

    This is probably not a smart or safe thing to do.

    Option 2:
    Create a user account for the email account you use to blog from. The Username will be the actual email address ([email protected]). The issue here is that if you use multiple email addresses then you must register them all within WordPress but this is the same if you let multiple people post in your blog. Set the account as “author” and that should be it.

    I followed option 2 and the post was published with the Title but the content of the post wasn’t there. Any ideas?

    I had problems with this but found out it was because I was trying to text my post in to the email account I set up for posting from. I found a helpful explanation here https://sinacism.com/2009/04/18/texting-to-post-now-works/

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