• I have been working on setting up my blog, I have created 4 categories for posts but when I click on apply and preview the main page, it says there are no categories.

    The names and slugs are as follows:

    Sprang Publishing Financial financial
    Sprang Publishing Spiritual spiritual
    Sprang Publishing Nutrition nutrition
    Sprang Publishing Health & Fitness health-fitness

    I have not made any posts yet, could someone please tell me why they don’t show when I click on preview? I have a feeling there is something else I need to do, or something else is missing.

    Thanks so much I really appreciate it.


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  • Try to add new post first. What template are you using?

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    not sure about the template, but the theme I’m using is Picolight

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    At the top of my dashboard is says, “You must set your address in the newsletter settings page. It is a mandatory requirement for conformance with CAN-SPAM act guidelines (in USA).” Is this a physical address or an e-mail address? Thanks for your response.


    Empty categories will not appear, so make a test post in each category to see the site with this setup.

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    Thanks tuthaus for your response, I appreciate that. I tried making a new post, however when I start typing, it doesn’t show up in the text box, I also tried copying and pasting from a word doc, but that didn’t work either. I am new to blogs and WordPress in particular, as I’m sure you can tell. I apologize for being a pain in the neck. Thanks again for your understanding.


    Hi johnnymax,

    I want you to use first the free default template in your wordpress the twenty11. Familiarize first your Dashboard don’t worry you will be using this most of the time and you’ll get use to it.

    Il give you the link:

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    okay, thanks tuthaus, I’ll give it a try.

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    Well, I did as you suggested and I appreciate your help, but when I start typing a new post, it doesn’t do anything except advance the cursor across the screen. Any thoughts on this? Thanks


    before making any post you should make a category first, im not sure if you already made a category. If not just follow this:
    just click the image directly you dont need to read everything I myself hate reading

    just add any category you like.

    These are just the 2 important things in your wordpress:
    1. The Pages (ex. Home, About Us, etc.)
    2. And your Post but you need to create a category for it’s post.

    Just try.

    If still not working save all your files from your FTP account, you can download all your files in Filezilla just drag anywhere in your pc for back-up just incase and download the latest WordPress Version: https://www.ads-software.com/download/ and be advice to use first the twenty eleven for testing and after that you can use whatever templates you want, mine I create my own templates :).

    And start over again but take note this is just your last option. Try to explore first in your wordpress. I already did a mistake before deleting all my files and start all over again. Save first everything!

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    Hello again, Sorry to be such a pain about this, but I spent the last couple of days becoming familiar with WordPress and my dashboard, and obviously I still must be missing something when it comes to making a post.

    I have tried several times to create my first post, but when I click on add new post, I get a blank box. There is no title field or any other fields. If I start to type, the cursor just moves across the box, and no text appears, so I can’t see what I typed.

    It is now getting to the point where this is becoming frustrating, I would appreciate any help, before I decide to forget the whole WordPress idea.

    Thanks again,


    What Region are you in, ‘Johnny’?

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    Thanks for your response. I live in the midwest, Saint Louis, Missouri.

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    Is there anybody out there who can tell me why my posts are working, or how to get them working? Is it possible to write a post in Word or notepad and copy and paste it in WordPress? Thanks to anyone who can help me out with this.

    See my post from two days ago, thanks


    Hi johnnymax put this between your body: <body> Here </body>:

    <!–Start of the Post–>

    <?php if (have_posts()): while(have_posts()): the_post();?>

    ” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to

    <?php the_title(); ?>”><h2><?php the_title();?></h2>

    Categories: <?php the_category(‘ ‘); ?>

    <?php echo ‘Posted on:’; ?>

    <?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’) ?>

    <?php echo ‘ By:’; ?>

    <?php the_author(); ?>

    <?php the_content(‘Read more…’); ?>

    <?php echo ‘
    ‘ ?>

    <?php echo ‘
    ‘ ?>

    <div class=”line”></div>

    <?php endwhile;


    <!–End of the Post–>

    Thread Starter Johnnymax


    Thanks Tuthaus,
    my problem is when I type in the post box nothing shows up, so I can’t see what I am typing, nor can I copy and paste. I must apologize as I am somewhat technically challenged and I don’t understand HTML.

    I really do appreciate all the help you have given so far, I guess I just can’t understand why it is so difficult to make a post, I’m sure I must be doing something wrong.

    Any other ideas or help you mau have would be greatly appreciated, thanks again


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