• Resolved Pam Blizzard


    Posts edit and Page edit boxes not displaying correctly in back end.
    * An WP install downloaded from GoDaddy, to my local MAMP mac.

    * Clicking Text/Visual doesn’t change anything, and the edit box is split in half.
    * Can’t get tool bar to display
    * “Disable the visual editor when writing” NOT checked on my profile.
    * Happens for all users,
    * Happens in all browsers.
    * Does not happen in same environment, on fresh installs of WP

    What I’ve tried so far:
    * Disabled all plugins
    * Set theme set to default fresh copy of WP 2016.
    * Re-uploaded fresh copy of WP. Deleted and recopied fresh wp-admin and wp-includes.

    Screen shot: https://goo.gl/O4sZf2

    Any ideas are gratefully accepted!

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  • Here’s what I would try if this were happening to me (and maybe you did?)

    I would download the fresh copy of WP from here (www.ads-software.com) not GoDaddy, and re-upload EVERYTHING except the /wp-content folder and wp-config.php file. My guess is that the problem is caused by the GoDaddy version…..

    Thread Starter Pam Blizzard


    Thanks – yes I did do that initiall, where I said above, “Re-uploaded fresh copy of WP. Deleted and recopied fresh wp-admin and wp-includes.”

    Thanks though! Still have the problem, on a fresh install, where I imported the pages and posts. Looking through the XML file to see where this might be coming from.

    Ah, I wasn’t sure from where you obtained the ‘fresh copy of WP’ and thought perhaps that was also from the GoDaddy repository, not www.ads-software.com’s……

    I was thinking that perhaps some of the other files that are *not* in /wp-admin and /wp-includes might have been GoDaddy-specific, they setup some of the environment variables, in particular wp-settings.php does a lot of front-loading of back-end variables.

    Thread Starter Pam Blizzard


    Fresh copy from here at WP.org and deleted those 2 dirs before re-copying them.

    @pam Blizzard – quick question: was this from a GoDaddy Managed WordPress account?

    If so, there are a few things you have to disable in order to get the site to work right in another environment. I can’t recall exactly what they are at the moment but will try to look them up and report back.


    Further to the above, for a WP site that was hosted on GD’s Managed WP Hosting:

    Rename these two items (I just added -ORG to the end of the folder/file name):

    – mu-plugins in wp-content/plugins
    – gd-config.php in the root of the install

    Then comment out this line in wp-config.php like so:

    //require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/gd-config.php’ );

    Thread Starter Pam Blizzard


    No, it was a cpanel account at GoDaddy and didn’t have those items in the install. But thank you for looking it, and helping, I truly appreciate it! That’s what’s so great about the WP community.

    I found the source -the last developer use the Suffusion theme, which has been abandoned by the developer.

    In the wp-content directory, uploads folder there was a suffusion folder with a custom-styles.css with a bunch of convoluted nonsense. As soon as I deleted it, the problem ceased.

    Thanks for your help!

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