• I have 8 posts (of custom post type) with a certain taxonomy. If i implement $do_not_duplicate as suggested in your documentation it only shows 6 of them and the load more button dies. If i dont implement it, the LAST press of the button duplicates posts and the button dies while displaying the correct number of posts – 8. Please see my code snippet without $do_not_duplicate:

                        $posts_per_page = 2;
                        $post_type = 'cpt_sub_claim';
                        $cpt_type = $post_slug;
                        $args = array(
                            'post_type'   => $post_type,
                            'post_status' => 'publish',
                            'posts_per_page'=> $posts_per_page,
                            'tax_query' => array(
                                array (
                                    'taxonomy' => 'cpt_type',
                                    'field' => 'slug',
                                    'terms' => $cpt_type,
                        $articles = new WP_Query( $args );
                        if( $articles->have_posts() ) :
                        <ul class="linklist two-col">
                            while( $articles->have_posts() ) : $articles->the_post();
                                <li><a href="<?php echo get_the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo get_the_title();?></a></li>
                            echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more container_type="ul" css_classes="linklist two-col" repeater="template_1" post_type="'.$post_type.'" taxonomy="cpt_type" taxonomy_terms="'.$post_slug.'" taxonomy_operator="IN" posts_per_page="'.$posts_per_page.'" pause="true" scroll="false" transition_container="false" button_label="Show More" offset="'.$posts_per_page.'" orderby="menu_order"]');
                        endif; ?>

    This is how i would add $do_not_duplicate:

    <ul class="linklist two-col">
                            while( $articles->have_posts() ) : $articles->the_post();
                            $do_not_duplicate[] = $post->ID;
                                <li><a href="<?php echo get_the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo get_the_title();?></a></li>
                            $post__not_in = ($do_not_duplicate) ? implode(',', $do_not_duplicate) : '';
                            echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more post__not_in="'. $post__not_in .'" ...]');
                        endif; ?>

    Also i use Simple Custom Post Order plugin but the posts dont get ordered by menu-order.
    I know about this topic: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/ajax-load-more-returning-duplicate-items/ but it didnt solve my case

    Please help im starting to get desperate

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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    @uhorcik To order by menu order you should set orderby="menu_order" in your shortcode.

    May not help, but you could try adding wp_reset_query() after your endwhile.

    May be an issue with the Post variable not being reset.

    Thread Starter uhorcik


    @dcooney thank you for your answer! It seems the problem isnt in wp_reset_query() as it takes no effect there at all. However a strange solution came in: i deleted all $do_not_duplicate logic and added order="ASC" and it now works as desired. Strange thing is that after asking for ascending order, posts now order themselves in descending fashion (as required). Maybe it has something to do with Simple Custom Post Order plugin im using, but anyway Im not looking forward to the future update that will fix this:D

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