• Resolved hdaackda


    I am about to pull out all my hair!! urrrghhh


    My wordpress site doesnt appear like other sites do on G+ when any link from my websites is shared (it used to when I first made the site, but thats long time ago)
    Even the image is not relevant, and the description is missing.

    I am using SEO Yoast premium 2.3.5 (I have even tried to disable my plugin and empty cache, that didn’t help)

    For e.g, when I share my link: Siri & Google Now Can Be Hacked From 16 Feet Away

    I appears like: https://i.imgur.com/B0c6MGe.png

    whereas it should appear like (it does on FB, and like other sites appear on G+ etc): https://i.imgur.com/yVV3I3K.png

    Any ideas on what could be wrong? I have even verified my site on G+ but that didnt help

    Update: I removed the Yoast SEO plugin and installed the All in One SEO plugin.. did the settings, cleared cache.. SAME PROBLEM

    When I debug my link, I can see that image etc are mentioned according to the open graph format here https://developers.google.com/+/web/snippet/article-rendering (google plus official guide) BUT they still dont come out properly ?? ??

    Using the Google debug tool, I checked and I have this in my link..

    <meta itemprop=”image” content=”link of image here”/>
    (hav the actual link, not the words ‘link of image here)

    still google doesnt show the image

    ANY IDEAS? solutoin? pls


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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Using the Google debug tool, I checked and I have this in my link..

    <meta itemprop=”image” content=”link of image here”/>
    (hav the actual link, not the words ‘link of image here)

    That’s the issue here.

    Sites like Facebook or LinkedIn only rely on Open Graph Meta tags to generate post previews, and you have those set up properly, so you won’t experience any issues there.

    Google+, on the other hand, first looks at schema.org meta data. You use some of this meta data in your posts, but you also use it in other areas of your site, like the top navigation menu for example. As a result, the first image marked itemprop="image" appearing on your site is not your post image, but the image attached to the first item appearing in your top navigation menu:

    I’d consequently suggest that you either remove itemprop markup from your theme and let Google+ use Open Graph Meta tags instead, or remove itemprop markup from all the posts in your top navigation menu.

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter hdaackda


    ^^ THANKS A LOT!!! Jeremy!! I literally spent hours and hours going over this, searching google and wordpress.. but couldnt figure this out!!

    cant thank u enough! hav also subscribed to ur posts, i m sure i’ll learn a lot!!

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