Posts not showing in Collapsing Categories & other errors
first of all a big thanks to Rob for this great plugin. I’ve been using it for almost 2 years on my affiliate blog ( but unfortunately I’m having a lot of issues right now after having upgraded to WP 3.0.1.I was using the last stable version of CC (1.2.2) but after the WP upgrade I wasn’t able to add more than one CC widget in the sidebar (left). And when I had more than one inserted, whichever was the last one where I clicked “save” would overwrite the CC widget before it! In other words, only one CC category would show up on my website at all times. Why would it do that?
This problem occured with EVERY CC version I tried except for the newest developer version. Here I’m able to drag and save several CC widgets and actually have the categories display on my site. BUT – I still end up with a problem, which is that ONLY categories and subcategories are showing but not any posts! You click on the + and nothing expands. Or a category expands to show subcategories but not the posts that dont have a subcategory.
I’ve tried to tweak around with all the settings in the widgets but nothing seems to work! Strangely enough, the page source states “[showPosts] => 1” which I take to be “yes” – so by all means, it should show? These are the widget settings I have set up right now and which I would definitely prefer to work:
Show post Count: no
Show Post Date as: no
Sort Categories by: category ID (ascending)
Sort Posts by: post ID (ascending)
Taxonomy type: Categories (category)
Post type: Posts (post)
Expanding shows: Sub-categories and Posts
Truncate Post Title to 0 characters
Clicking on category name: Expands to show subcategories and/or posts
Expanding and collapse characters:
html: ? ▼ + — [+] [—] custom expand: collapse: using +
images:Auto-expand these categories (separated by commas): blank
Exclude these categories (separated by commas): several
Exclude post X from categories A and B when A or B is excluded – no
Exclude posts older than 0 days
Animate collapsing and expanding – no
Include RSS link None text (RSS) image ‘ – none
Style – Kubrick
▼ Advanced options
When category X has sub-categories, group posts in a sub-category into a category – blank (what is this anyway?)
Accordion style? – no
Remember expanding and collapsing for each visitor (using cookies) – yes
Show top level categories – yes
Expand categories assigned to a particular post on a single post page – yes
Posts should come before sub-categories – no
Show Empty Categories – no
Show debugging information – yes
Btw, I often had problems like this with CC even with older versions of WP. Like posts now showing, CC widgets not working, categories not expanding or collapsing etc. Usually I would always have to use an older version of CC to make everything work exactly as I wanted it to be. I dont get it! I mean, is it my theme, an incompatibility with another plugin or what? Other plugins I have installed are: AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget, Akismet, Another WordPress Meta Plugin, CommentLuv, Enhanced WP-ContactForm, Favicon Manager, Google XML Sitemaps, NextGEN Gallery, NoFollow Free, Robots Meta, Search Everything, SEO Title Tag, TinyMCE Advanced, WordBay, WordPress Gravatars.
Please help as its really vital for my blog concept to have CC working correctly. When you check out my website you can see the CC categories under the normal wordpress widget “Categories”. (I have this set up right now so my visitors have something to go by, but its really not ideal as it doesnt show the uncategorized posts either). I’ve been getting a lot of visitors lately so I’m pretty anxious to put my navigation sidebar back into shape. Thanks a lot!
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