• I have selected sticky posts and I have selected the option which allows “all posts to appear on homepage”
    and yet
    the only thing that appears on the homepage is an icon that says “Default Image”. You click on it and you go to the post, but the post itself does not show. Oh, and the title shows.
    Also, I cannot even find out how to post directly to the homepage.
    I like Gridster lite’s look, but without my photos appearing on the homepage I will have to use another theme. I will have to decide soon so if anyone knows what I’m doing wrong please let me know.
    I don’t know why the demo shows photos on the homepage but I cannot seem to do it.
    thank you! (spent several fruitless hours on this and frankly it seems like a very trivial issue for such a long time-please help!! ) ??

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  • Hi whoopsguy,

    I am having problems too.
    Right now I’m trying to get my images to show up, but before this issue, I only had 1 post showing on the home page and was trying to figure out how to make it like it is shown in the screenshot of the theme.

    I came across another post in this forum where the guy said he figured it out and he posted this:

    I figured it out. Dashboard/Settings/Reading/Number of posts.

    So I went to my dashboard/Settings in the sidebar and selected the Reading option and change the posts field from 1 to 12 and I do now have 12 posts or perhaps I should say 12 place holders because there are no images… but at least I’m making some progress.

    I thought perhaps you could use this info to get you going in the right direction.

    Don P.

    Thread Starter whoopsguy


    Hi Don
    I tried that and it still did not work for me.
    Someone else suggested something that worked: Set each post as a featured post.
    Then it went to the homepage.
    You have to add post, then set as featured post— essentially you are adding the same media two times.
    It seems very inefficient and frankly I am a bit exasperated with wordpress themes.
    Many of them seem to have blatant flaws with basic functions—- one for ex appears as a grid in the demo, but when you install and add posts it is only a single column.
    One wordpress theme that also appears as a grid on the demo even says it is a single column. It is a blatant and immediate self contradiction- seeming to be a grid but admitting in the description that it is a single column.
    It appears that WORDPRESS is trying desperately to have a gazillion themes in an effort to corner the market on themes as they have done on websites and blogs.
    However they seem to have almost no oversight of the themes at all.
    Some support forums for certain themes have unanswered questions for weeks, one of them for almost a year. The people who built the theme apparently abandoned it. WordPress has no mechanism in place for flagging those themes.
    It is fairly obvious to me, even an IT idiot that I am, that WORDPRESS could if it WANTED TO, build a simple flagging trigger for unanswered support enquiries. Then, if a theme builder went off the grid, an alert could appear on a theme——-
    They could also control it from WITHIN the website. For ex, sometimes I search within the website and cannot find a theme, but then go to the web and find it. Obviously WORDPRESS has removed it —- but they don’t say why. If they have removed a theme because it is flawed or unresponsive, they should have a text appear to that effect when you search within the website.
    Otherwise you are just downloading old nonfunctioning themes.
    Wordpress is trying TOO HARD to corner the theme market and NOT HARD ENOUGH to QC (quality control) that SPACE>
    They are in a unique position with their website niche to really control theme quality. But instead they dropped the ball and we waste our time.
    I have wasted a week looking at flawed themes and unresponsive support dept’s.
    Anyway thank you and if you happen to know someone at WORDPRESS please let them know they need to really improve in this regard.

    Hi whoopsguy,

    Sorry to hear of your frustration and I will admit that I’ve been there too. I did stumble across the solution you mentioned but I do appreciate you letting me know.

    I don’t know anyone at wordpress so I can’t help you there.
    Good luck going forward.

    Don P.

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