Posts not totally viewable
I’m using THEONE premium theme, and have got everything up and running pretty smoothly, but I am having problems with my blog posts.
I use a static homepage (, then there is a porfolio page using a liquid list module using blog posts defined by category to display the posts I wish (
The problem being, when you click on a post, then read more I get an error message “Page not found” – this isnt too much of a problem at this time as the liquid list is displaying most of the information I wish, but its messy and I want to change to a carousel list which wont work as you get the same error message when clicking on the posts.
I’ve set my wordpress to add blog entries to a page not listed in menues, but still published ( – all posts are public published too, but even on this page if I click the post title it sends the error message “page not found” – is there any way around this?
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