• Hi, I’m using the Customizr theme, and I want to have no posts show up at the bottom of the front page. How do I remove these? I have deleted all the posts and now I get “{no title] Read the post >>”

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Front Page can point to either a Static Page or your Latest Posts. So there are a few combinations that can be set (Home & Blog refer to Pages):

    1) Front page displays: Don’t show any posts or page

    2) Front page displays: your latest posts =Displays posts

    3) Front page displays: A static Page
    Posts page: –Select–
    Front page: –Select– =Displays posts

    4) Front page displays: A static Page
    Posts page: –Select–
    Front page: Home =Displays static page

    5) Front page displays: A static Page
    Posts page: Blog
    Front page: –Select– =Displays posts

    6) Front page displays: A static Page
    Posts page: Blog
    Front page: Home =Displays static page

    If you have no posts, then Option 4 should work. Can you confirm that before any further diagnosis.

    Could I instead of having featured page, have featured WooCommerce product ?

    I’m trying to achieve this look: https://www.gbvalley.com/store
    where I intend to have 3 woocommerce products filled in the 3 spots.

    I’ve integrated WooCommerce already following this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/woocommerce-functionality?replies=14#post-4548080

    I can’t really find a way to achieve my desired functionality (I am probably overlooking something very simple)
    I am still fiddling with https://mcasien.com/ and I would like excerpts of the latest posts to show up on the front page below the featured pages – similar to what you see at https://demo.themesandco.com/
    I do however want to retain my post-page as well, so that visitors can reach a page listing the posts from the menu item “rejse-blog”.
    I want this because I fear that some visitors will fail to realize that there is more content below the featured pages ??

    Start a new thread as previous is 10 months old.

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