• First time here, no idea what I’m doing.

    I cannot change the number of posts per page. It is not the blog page but a different one that I created to publish post content to as opposed to writing on it directly on the page.

    I’ve been at it for 3h now and nothing seems to happen.


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  • dashboard – settings – reading
    you set it there

    Thread Starter readthetype


    Does not work. That changes the blog page, not the other one.

    can you elaborate a bit more on what “the other one” might be? Do you have a custom loop running there? If so, perhaps sharing a bit of the code on that page would be helpful.

    Thread Starter readthetype


    I don’t know what Loop is, so I’m pretty sure I’m not using it.

    My site is readthetype.com.

    I don’t know what version of WP or Headway I’m running as I did not set this up.

    I created a discussion page. It was originally a page of content, but I was instructed to turn it into a page of posts, like the blog page, to allow for more flexibility. So, on the discussion page I wrote:

    [catlist id=6 excerpt=yes]

    Then, I made a new post category called “Discussion.”

    To add content to the Discussion page, I now make a post and mark it as Discussion.

    However, it only show’s the most 5 recent. When I add one, it removes another. And, it was only showing a 1 line hyperlink of the title. No content.

    Changing the reading settings does not influence this Discussion page. Only the Blog page.

    I installed “Custom Post Limits” plugin and that did nothing.

    I started fooling around with Headway, which I think might be buggy and the reason for my problem. I changed some of the leaf settings and it did everything from delete all my posts to put them all on the wrong page. Very inconsistent.

    By sheer accident, I managed to get it so that the Discussion page would show more than 5 posts, and the beginning of the post content.

    If I create a page that want to add content to as posts, not static content by making a page, adding the code:

    [catlist id=6 excerpt=yes]

    (changing the id), how do I make the page show more than 5 posts and include the first few lines of the post content?

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