• First read this information.

    Seriously, READ THAT THREAD BEFORE POSTING HERE. That thread will give you details on how to decrypt these sort of things yourself. Almost everything posted here has been something that could have been easily decrypted by simply reading that post.

    We recommend that you do not use encrypted themes. Encryption is often used to insert malicious code. Decoding part of an encrypted theme does not mean that it is all clean. If you choose to use an encrypted theme, it is at your own risk.

    If your theme has been posted under a non-GPL license, it may be against the terms of the theme to attempt to decode it or to have someone else decode it for you.

    If you can’t decode your own encrypted themes using this information and still want to use one rather than pick from the thousands of themes that don’t have obfuscated code in them, post your request for decryption in here, and maybe someone will help you out.


    • Code should be place into a pastebin, not into this thread.
    • Decoding the theme does not guarantee safety from malicious code.
    • Seperate decoding threads will be closed.
    • Best practice is to avoid such websites that distribute malicious code in themes (most of them just provide ripped knockoff themes, why trust these people?)
Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 448 total)
  • @caloz:
    I already tried it before suggesting it and it works so I guess you miss something. Anyway, here is the cleaner version of the theme with all of those nonsense check removed if you interested:

    Anonymous User


    @johnburn – I’ll bow to your greater knowledge ??

    First off, let me apologize for posting this here. I am one of those people that will search the whole internet trying to find the answer instead of taking the easy way out and just asking in a forum. However… I don’t know if I’ve done it correctly or not. Thanks in advance for your help!!! https://pastebin.com/EpRdi5PW

    P.S. After spending about 1.5 hours on this I’ll bet it takes one of you 30 seconds. LOL



    Just replace:

    echo htmlentities(gzinflate(base64_decode(

    so yes, its not that hard to deobfuscate this LOL


    :-)))) it works! Thank you again! I really appreciated your help!!!

    guys i have a litle problem with this cripted footer can you decript for me ? thx in advance


    thx samuel\
    Untyl some weeks ago i thought joomla is best… but when i discover wordpress heh… no words to describe`it ??

    thx again


    help me please, thx.

    Thank you Samuel B

    Please decode this…

    <?php /* WARNING: This file is protected by copyright law. To reverse engineer or decode this file is strictly prohibited. */

    With thanks..

    Thanks a lot friend.
    Its working. Great work..

    Thanks again.

    Wow thank you ??

Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 448 total)
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