• Below is the code from three posts, each of which showed up until recently. Now the first one in the list shows, the second only shows the featured image and the last one gives a 404 error message.
    I’ve taken out the code for the google-mp3-audio-player on the last two, but left it in the first one.
    The plugin is now deleted, not just deactivated, as it caused a fatal error with the latest update.

    What I can’t understand is why three different posts show three different reactions….

    Any ideas?

    The difference in coding is as follows:
    This one shows:

    <!-- CONTENT (start) -->
    <div id="content" role="main">
        <div class="inner">
    	<div class="article-wrap single-post">
    	    <article id="post-3986" class="post-3986 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-interviews tag-anneliese-hagemann tag-interview">
    		<header class="entry-header">

    This one only shows the featured image:

    <!-- CONTENT (start) -->
    <div id="content" role="main">
        <div class="inner">
    	<div class="article-wrap attachment">
                <article id="post-2088" class="post-2088 attachment type-attachment status-inherit hentry">
    		<header class="entry-header">

    And this one gives the 404 error:

    <!-- CONTENT (start) -->
    <div id="content" role="main">
        <div class="inner">
    	<div class="article-wrap">
    		<div class="entry-content">

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    The question is, why has this happened and what can I do to make them show up again?

    (The post list page shows the featured image and the extract as well, on all three, so they are all still ‘there’ so to speak, just not showing as individual posts….!

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