• Hi there! I’ve been working with wordpress for a while but this is the first time this happens to me.
    In my wordpress blog, the last post is not shown at the top of all the posts as it should be. Its shown third. I don’t know why this is happening but please help me guys.
    My blog’s url in iframe is https://elrincondelcas.tk/ (its in spanish).
    “Core” Url: https://elrincondelcas.agilityhoster.com/

    Plugins installed:
    cforms (to create contact forms)
    Admin Drop Down Menu (to simplify my navigation in the wordpress menu)

    There’s nothing else but the default plugins in my plugin directory


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  • If you’re using WP 2.7 then they might be Sticky posts. You would go into edit the 1st two posts, and uncheck Sticky.


    You can check with three options..

    1) Remove/disable recent installed plugins
    2) Check for sticky posts…if any there then remove it.
    3) If you want to change the display order for your post then see query_posts(),

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