• t3spiritz


    The formating of my posts on the first page of my blog have turned bold at random. This not apparent in the editor and the HTML appears to be ok. It seems it has something to do with this view as when a long post with a ‘more’ tag is read the correct formatting returns. This has happened before but resolved on upgrade to version 2. I tried a new install but still having problems.

    The affected blog is https://www.ken-finn.com/flog/index.php

    I also run another blog https://www.ken-finn.com/JWRTNews/index.php on the same server which is unaffected … Weird!

    Thanks https://www.ken-finn.com

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  • gmendez


    En la actualidad me encuentro trabajando en la redacción de una tesis doctoral en ciencias políticas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

    En un punto de la investigación se revisan algunas consecuencias de asumir la definición peirceana de ciencias normativas, en especial, en su consideración de la ética como aquella actividad que se ocupa del autocontrol de la racionalidad humana en su búsqueda del bien, en relación con el intenso debate entre los académicos respecto a si la calidad de las instituciones de una democracia liberal depende del desarrollo económico o está determinado por invariantes más complejos, como la geografía o la historia, cuyos efectos son más difíciles de transformar.

    A partir de esa investigación he bosquejado dos rese?as que me gustaría presentar al Acervo Peirceano de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (en la próxima Jornada Peirceana de mediados de 2006), a saber:

    1) ?Son necesarios y suficientes los invariantes lógico-matemáticos para orientar el mundo contemporáneo? Nota crítica a Ariadna y Penélope.

    2) Ariel y Arisbe: una respuesta desde América Latina al Choque de civilizaciones.

    Gabriel Méndez.

    Thread Starter t3spiritz


    Gabriel, I have done a babelfish on your text but not quiet sure where you’re coming from on my thread though your work sounds interesting

    At the present time I am working in the writing of a doctoral thesis in political sciences in the Complutensian University of Madrid. In a point of the investigation some consequences are reviewed to assume the peirceana definition of normative sciences, in special, its consideration of the ethics like that activity that takes care of the automatic control of the human rationality in its search of or, in relation to the intense debate between academic with respect to if the quality of the institutions of a liberal democracy depends on the economic development or is determined by complex invariants the more, like geography or the history, whose effects are the more difficult to transform. From that investigation I have sketched two reviews that I would like to present/display to the Peirceano Heap of the National University of Colombia (in the next Peirceana Day of half-full of 2006), that is to say: 1) Are necessary and sufficient the invariants logical-mathematicians to orient the contemporary world? Critical note to Ariadna and Penélope. 2) Ariel and Arisbe: an answer from Latin America to the Shock of civilizations.



    t3spiritz, there’s something funny going on with a <strong> tag at the end of your first post. It’s the text “We know but we do it anyway.” that’s causing the problem.

    I’m guessing you use the rich text editor?

    The crazy code in question is:

    <strong>We know but we do it anyway.</strong><strong /><strong> </strong><strong>
    <p /></strong><strong />

    You should edit the post’s html to look like this:

    <p><strong>We know but we do it anyway.</strong></p>


    Thread Starter t3spiritz


    Mmm how did you access the title? That code isn’t available when you write either in the wysiswg window or in the html editor. Thanks for the shout!

    Thread Starter t3spiritz


    Hey Maerk, thanks for the tip, sorry I was just a little sleepy this morning to see what you were pointing at! Obvious now of course. I’ve made the change and all is back to how it should be. Well done and thanks again!
    Nice one.


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