Hi there – for all technical issues please post your query on our forums:
One of our techs will almost always generally look into it if you have found a bug in the software.
Regarding your specific issue, the cron job is actually quite necessary and WordPress also has a built in cron job:
The reason Symbiostock cannot use this is:
1) It is not a real cron job and is only triggered by front end visits. There is no way to circumvent this without a system based cron job which is what Symbiostock uses.
2) It is reliant on the visitor staying and watching the page load as the cron job performs tasks. This is dangerous as if they close their browser it could interrupt execution.
Regarding the issue with many files being created, Symbiostock does not create many files anywhere – all it does it process media in your upload directory and add it to your store. In fact it uses the built in WordPress thumb-nailing system for all products. If your system is acting strange and you feel it is Symbiostock that is causing these issues, again, please don’t hesitate to post it on our forums.
As we cannot reproduce your issue it is likely specific to your installation.