the problem is that the anti-spam plugin injects inline JS in the HTML that has a (semi-)random value in it;
<script type='text/javascript'>setTimeout(function(){var ct_input_name = 'ct_checkjs_register_form_b4a528955b84f584974e92d025a75d1f';if (document.getElementById(ct_input_name) !== null) {var ct_input_value = document.getElementById(ct_input_name).value;document.getElementById(ct_input_name).value = document.getElementById(ct_input_name).value.replace(ct_input_value, '1932561701');}}, 1000);</script>
so the last part of the ct_input_name value, b4a528955b84f584974e92d025a75d1f
will change regularly. if inline JS is aggregated and ct_checkjs_register_form
is not in the JS optimization exlude list, then the aggregated JS for that page will be different from the aggregated JS of another page if that random string is different, which will cause AO to re-minify and cache that file.
unticking “also aggregate inline JS” or adding ct_checkjs_register_form
to the comma-separated JS optimization exclusion list, fixes this problem.
hope this clarifies,